Thursday 21 November 2013

Seeing November as rage and discontent: Of masked protests, red flag marches

Seeing November as rage and discontent:
Of masked protests and red flag marches

No one cannot blame them for marching in the streets and wearing masks last 5th of November nor confronting the police with the Red flag at November 7th. The crisis opened the streets to these people as it continues to aggrave social misery such as corruption and inequity prevailed in societies propaganda consistently speaks of progression and improvement of living yet in fact, a contrary.

As for the 5th of November, it somehow tries to invoke what the movie "V for Vendetta" stated such as against tyranny. The work of Allan Moore somehow idealises Guy Fawkes as an anarchistic individual different from a historical one, the real Guy Fawkes of opportunism and Catholicism.
Yes, Guy Fawkes was a staunch Catholic who wanted to overthrow a protestant king, who, ironically speaking, a son of a Catholic queen; while Allan Moore's "V", taking the character of the former in the form of a ceramic mask and presents himself as an antithesis to a dictatorial order, of throwing daggers on the enemies and red roses on their supporters. Both are radically different but they shared the same idea of bombarding the Parliament and getting rid of tyrants.

And with groups such as Anonymous, they had to emulate their idol and his aspirations, or perhaps simply because of the movie they had to follow V's footsteps, but in a different form of action such as hacking.
Obviously, hacking had become a propaganda of the deed that temporarily paralyses one of the system's foundations such as a website of a government department. Anonymous had known much for staging ddos attacks against systems that for theirs as repressive and antipeople to the roots; that somehow for the system it is no different from the bomb-carrying anarchists of the past for they had paralysed their websites, that they are worrying much about the data they have especially inretrieving prior to recovery.

But as for this writer, their actions aren't enough other than giving a media impression of a masked groupuscle, crew confronting a police and end arrested as accoridng to the news. Protests around the world had tend to invoke these people in V masks transparency the way they provide information if not paralize websites of departments controlled by the system; but, as according to Gerry Lanuza, it saidth:

"What's with the mask of Guy Fawkes? Historically, he plotted to assassinate King James I and restore a Catholic monarch to the throne. He ended up in the scaffold. Then he is revived in V for Vendetta, the icon of postmodern anarchism. But I prefer the classical anarchism of Kropotkin more than the anarchic, digitized global brain of the Anonymous international network of activists and hacktivists that protested this morning at Batasan. Kropotkin: "...instead of inanely repeating the old formula, "Respect the law," we say, "Despise law and all its Attributes!" In place of the cowardly phrase, "Obey the law," our cry, is "Revolt against all laws!" However, the lawmakers were apparently not in the building to listen to the protesters’ demands as they are on Halloween break until Nov 18. Okay lang. Ernesto Che Guevara — "If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.""

Right is the former seminarian who, to sum it all said that the actions of the group Anonymous isn't enough to create a sttong tremor against the system as compared to the Black Jand and Narodnaya Volya. Ideally speaking, what Napoles did in siphoning off state funds would make the people themselves afford to break the law by doing bank robberies and redescribing it as expropriations for the exploiters did the effort in bleeding the people dry.
So should be the victims had to bleed the pigs dry as well.

While in Russia, November 7th was their day of reaffirmation with Crisis-ridding people, under the red flag, had to march into the thoroughfares of Moscow and St. Petersburg with shouts and grievances to cry upon. The post-Soviet leadership had felt the tremor though knowing that they have a share of rotten eggs and vegetables enjoying Russia's wealth like Gazprom controlling oil and gas reserves. 

Yet despite the so-called prosperity and stability being said much by Putin and his clique the tremor of people's discontent remained still like Zyuganov or Limonov and its followers opposing Putin and his cluque of bureaucrats and oligarchs donning a flag waving stint full of Tsarist eagles and Red stars trying to counter the western crap.
Yes, western crap that is led by Obama and his forced "allies", with the former's very own circle of armed men worrying for themselves after seeing the fugitive Snowden under the care of the Russian bear. Russians somehow care about their prestige so as to counter the sickening west with their patriotism that involves strongmen like Ivan the terrible, Peter the great, and Stalin. But does not mean that they had to disregard the domestic issue that made them put to the march and expose a system that, as what this writer said earlier "full of corrupt personages", that has a greater share of "rotten eggs and vegetables."

As according to Zyuganov, in his article at Pravda, he said:

In Russia things were not limited to electoral shifts. The protesting masses took to the streets. The protest acquired a scale unheard of since the time eight years ago when people protested against “cash for benefits” reform. This time around the protests took place under the slogans of no confidence in the authorities. For the first time in many years the Russian “elite” became aware that the ground under its feet was becoming patently shaky.
To lure the protest into a dead end the authorities deployed the “secret reserve”. The “shadows of the 1990s”  — aged but still aggressive representatives of the liberal froth of a quarter century ago — were being infiltrated into the protest movement. The pseudo-opposition noise they created gave the authorities a pretext for putting on a spectacle of “fighting pro-American subversive forces”. The groundswell of protest was in many ways disoriented, compromised and crushed…"

Obviously, the protests happened in commemoration of the glorious Soviet revolution is all but minor in international media unlike before when it was commemorated as a Soviet holiday. But on the other hand, the international crisis, as evidenced by rapid unemployment and rising costs of commodities had made October-rev like protests happen, yet Zyuganov is right that the protest scence be disorient by those who wanted to divert, that one has to water-down militancy into a mere bread and butter issue that can be resolved by a mere Collective Barganining Agreement, while on the other hand massive arrests against a comprador-bureaucrat-landlord regime being undertaken, filling prisons, if not "safe houses" and open pits with innocents crying for peace, land and bread!

That somehow aggravates, rather than eases old and still present tensions knowing that the system treats those who oppose as threat to their security, even those who had hacked their websites are incomparable to those who had thrown bombs years ago.

Obviously, the protests happened in commemoration of the glorious Soviet revolution is all but minor in international media unlike before when it was commemorated as a Soviet holiday. But on the other hand, the international crisis, as evidenced by rapid unemployment and rising costs of commodities had made October-rev like protests happen, yet Zyuganov is right that the protest scence be disorient by those who wanted to divert, that one has to water-down militancy into a mere bread and butter issue that can be resolved by a mere Collective Barganining Agreement, while on the other hand massive arrests against a comprador-bureaucrat-landlord regime being undertaken, filling prisons, if not "safe houses" and open pits with innocents crying for peace, land and bread!

That somehow aggravates, rather than eases old and still present tensions knowing that the system treats those who oppose as threat to their security, even those who had hacked their websites are incomparable to those who had thrown bombs years ago.


After all, in observing passed days, this writer simply sought people willing, if not starting to go beyond the barriers such as making their once "peaceful" protest into what goes on in their heads. Beneath the cries for justice lies a call for revenge so to speak; it is not impossible for these people driven by the crisis to limit themselves in "putting those criminals" like Napoles and her clique into the courts but putting them do death as evidenced by their comments in social media sites such as Facebook.
Most, if not all may had "liked" it anyway.

Anyways, despite differences, still lies the acknowledgement of these people. They just trying to be like V, but doing in a different way; but perhaps one of them are willing to take the risk of having a bomb than a mouse in their hand.

And that is greater than a hundred leaflets and posters shown, all given to a discontented majority yearning for a revolution.