Sunday 29 October 2017

“To remember and not to forget”

“To remember and not to forget”

A message this All Hollows day

In each and every time the grim reaper took from every one a cherished being.

Be it a lover, a friend, a partner, a kindred, these beings has personalities which whether will or will not soon to be forgotten by each and every one who’ve been a part of a passed one’s life.

And it was natural and fitting to remember for its good standings, if not trying to forget in pursuit if moving on no matter how significant a person was in one’s life; but come to think of this: sometimes the more they forget the more they recall- especially in good times.

Anyway, as people visits their cherished one’s graves for lighting candles, offering flowers and prayers, enjoying snacks, and singing songs, their memories continue to be fresh in their minds and hearts, as if their presence stood alongside them. Surely, they are meant not to be forgotten.

And as time goes by, and people are trying to make good things all of their lives, perhaps may the visits of the angel of death be few and far between in every corner of the land; but when the time comes may those who are living be ready knowing that in their constant remolding, of making themselves righteous in the eyes of both man and the almighty, will grant them the promise the latter hath saidth to its desciples.

All in all, to paraphrase an ages-old statement, here it goes:

“Bones are dust,
And its good sword rust,
But the soul is with the saints, we trust.”

That’s all for now.