Thursday, 30 July 2020



By Kat Ulrike

At first, this note expressed condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues-in-struggle of the late Comrade Fidel Agcaoili in his passing last July 23, 2020 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

For decades, Cde. Fidel contributed time, talent, blood, sweat, and tears all to advance the Filipino people's cause to achieve national and social liberation, all as part of advancing the struggle for the emancipation of the working class from Capitalist exploitation and Imperialism.

And despite the risks and challenges he faced, be it his sacrifice from a life of comfort and luxury, or his imprisonment during marital law, to those of various threats from state forces, he remained firm and dedicated to the cause he stood for, continuously drew inspiration from the Filipino people's struggle, ever displaying militance, courage, and a tireless struggle.

Cde. Fidel also served as key person in peace negotiations between the NDF and the GRP.  From these negotiations he helped in forging and signing key agreements between the NDF and the GRP including agreements which served as foundation and framework of peace negotiations which remain in effect until present. 

He was also served as an inspiration for Filipino migrant workers in organising and participating in the struggle, and a known figure in the anti-imperialist movement, working tirelessly to forge international solidarity among peoples from various nations all in fighting against imperialism and for the right to self-determination.

With all these and more from his life and works would say he is worthy of praise and emulation. Always patient in explaining things and readily respond to questions, he remained calm with positions all reasonable and deeply rooted in theory and history. With this, even those from the other side of the fence recognise his tireless work, putting the interest of the people despite the fact that he exposes harshly the ever-continuing oppression and exploitation and the lies peddled by the order.

But despite his passing, his lifelong contributions in the struggle for human rights, social justice, and national liberation has kept his legacy alive and youthful in today's generation of patriots and revolutionaries. As what Mao Zedong said, that the death of a revolutionary is as heavy as that of a mountain, heavy out of his dedication despite the perils and challenges brought upon him, still, what he did is indeed a really good fight.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Of Rantings and Reiterations: Notes after SONA 2020

Of Rantings and Reiterations: Notes after SONA 2020

"I expect a more presidential SONA. Waging vendetta is not what we expect. We expect clarity on how the Covid-19 problem would be dealt with, the unemployment problems and the effects on the economy and the measures to mitigate them. It seems he has no grasps of the enormity of the problem brought by the pandemic."

These are the words a commentator in the Philippine Daily Inquirer regarding the recent State of the Nation Address of president Rodrigo Duterte.

Mostly consists of rants and reiterations of past promises, the tyrant's statement in general rather failed to touch on the real conditions of the Filipino folk, especially the vulnerable sectors who are suffering one of the worse crisis in this ever-continuing past.

It is not surprising, for like any of his rants, he showed being desperate in covering up the fact that his delayed, incompentent response to the pandemic has caused situations affecting the Filipino. And to think that he spoke about "gains" brought about by his programs, this doesn't suffice the crisis, what more that the folk in general have not gained anything except losses in terms of jobs and income- that even before this pandemic that the Filipino have suffered worsening hardships as the economy continues to slump in crisis.

In other words it is not the "comfortable life" as he promised during the Past address, let alone seeing it enjoyed by his camarilla and his well-off allies. That existing programs like infrastructure through the "BUILD BUILD BUILD" program rather benefited moneylenders as this, like those of the past programs are debt-driven while the Filipino folk gained none with many of which driven them away from their homes and livelihood.

Even the promise to return the Coco Levy Fund to the coconut farmers wasn't even revisited. Agrarian Reform and Rural Development remained unnoticed despite "advocating" returning unemployed citydwellers and urban poor to the provinces, and Duterte had nothing to say about the people's urgent demands for employment, livelihood, what more of the need for a just living wage in this face of present economic crisis.

With this would say that the Filipino folk are willing to resist against the regime. Due to widespread hunger, unemployment, poverty and an utter abandonment by the state the folk are seeing in unrest as protest actions and various forms of dissent been shown. But, with the passage of the Anti Terrorism Act and the use of the pandemic for its orderist agenda, the regime has seeks to suppress opposition ranging from threats against personalities, arrests of participants in protest actions, police monitoring of church services, and others which showed how the order as trying to silence dissent. Even the recent non-renewal of ABS CBN and its ruse of destroying the "oligarchs" by the administration has shown how press freedom can be trampled in the name of interest.

But despite threats of arrest and considering the pandemic situation, actions continue in a show of militant defiance- as several thousands converged in UP Diliman pointing against the regime, its vassalage to both the United States and the Chinese, and all its negligences and mismanagements brought upon. And these are bound to grow even bigger regardless of attempts to dissuade by the authorities. From these actions would say that they had enough of the ruses the regime has ever spoke upon, nor the rants that all meant waging a personal vendetta than providing a national solution be it this COVID19 to those of socioeconomic problems that hamper the country's development.

Otherwise, this country has really sold down the river by interest seeking elements, on the first place, these are just rants and reiterations, brought about by the regime desperate to retain the order. 

Sunday, 26 July 2020

"The need for Unity to expose Tyranny"

"The need for Unity to expose Tyranny"

At first, this note extends support on the action in response to the president's "State of the Nation Address" this Monday.

For despite the order's attempt to silence the planned action, this protest action is itself important as the need to counter the peddled lies to be brought through the address. That for four years, this regime has been snaring people through a web of lies ranging from drug war, anti corruption, even parroting anti-oligarch sentiment as trying to cover-up the failure in addressing various social problems including this ever-present pandemic. But in recent times people have shown criticism against the present Duterte regime. First by its drug war that's pointing directly against the poor, followed by its inaction and lack of program within this ever-present pandemic, and now with the passage of the Anti-Terrorism Act and the denial of ABS CBN's right to broadcast, these actions brought about by the present Duterte administration are seemingly aggravating tensions between the state and the people especially those who are concerned what goes behind state affairs that affected the country.

And that by exposing the real "State of the Nation", this shows the ever-present social situation of the broad masses of the Filipino folk that's marked by joblessness, poverty, hunger, repression, and even this rapid spread of COVID 19. It is unsurprusing for with this continuity the order tends to dismiss, the actions brought by the folk, regardless of the risks, are itself an opportunity to express from those who suffered the burnt of the regime. Be it the frontliners in the health sector, jeepney drivers and other affected members in the transport sector, peasants demanding agrarian reform, workers for just living wage, even the teachers and media workers from ABS CBN who demand their station to regain its right to broadcast through a renewed franchise. These affected sectors, driven by the hunger pangs and despair under the present order should forge unity and strength as their calls be resonated through the action in the streets- exposing the order's incompetence, corruption, repression, and various forms of injustice. 

However, for those who supported the regime, it is also that in recent times supporters are demanding "obedience" to the regime if not to coopt radical messages to justify such actions like the recent denial of broadcast franchise of ABS CBN while state forces is constantly harping on about need to "protect the institution and prerogatives of the present administration." With this situation, if one were to take their messages, then would be led to believe that they want to see a return to Marcosian authoritarianism, especially those who treat the present Duterte regime as a doormat for the Marcoses in its plan to return to power. Possible would be as their calls are rather becoming a coded way of saying "less freedom" and "more order" like one apologist who insist about "Asian values" as a reason in the need for authoritarianism. That by blaming democracy for all the woes, the desire for a strongman is for them a "best solution" to the chaos brought by those who expressed disgust about the order's inconveniences- redescribing it as the "excesses" of liberal democracy that "led" to the destruction of the country's "moral fibre" and subsequent "indiscipline".
Strange for ironically these supporters even defend democracy under the present administration. In a time that ABS CBN was stripped its right to broadcast, they cited "freedom of the press" as alive and instead claiming that the mass media company was spreading opposition-led propaganda. That laws such as "Freedom of Information" are being enacted despite the fact that their idol-president denied them the right to inform about his health. What more that by using the pandemic as its pretext for denying the right to assemble as well as the right to express dissent towards an incompetent but stubborn regime. 

But will people just stop seeking truth from facts? Expose? Oppose? And offer an alternative? The utter refusal  by the order to meet people's demands, what more of downplaying it means a call for action in various forms. Regardless of the risks and slander these people who chose to stand for social justice and self-determination as a nation will unite and strike back against the order and its accomplices-of Duterte and his camarilla of thugs and exploiters. For sure they will remain stubborn for this as they downplay the action and their calls as the folk demand the abrogation of the anti-terrorism act and an end to the militarist approach to the pandemic crisis, the reinstatement of the right to broadcast of ABS CBN, and various anti-people programs and measures to be enacted by the regime. Expect numerous attempts to prevent, dissuade people from engaging in actions nor exposing inconveniences as it desperately aims to silence and prevent from engaging, showing collective power in exposing, opposing their moves and to assert a pro-people alternative to the ever-present situation- including those of using the pandemic as an alibi for refraining.

But despite this ever-continuing past and now aggravated by this pandemic crisis, hope people look at the example of their forefathers, of those who not just survive, but resist the tremors. For theirs would reminds that their power, courage, unity triumph all over hardship. That their contributions last for generations. Expect the order will try their "best" that the future generations shall curse their memories, but no- for reality shows otherwise that those who resist, those who forge, no matter how contrary to the wishes of the system remains significant. that through sacrifice and danger is a part of struggle to reach a great goal, but wonderful shall the spoils be, and glorious their history if to recall thy names.
Let no viral illness nor repression from the order shall hinder from the waves of actions. Expect risks in various forms,for  as those truly concerned, all after in seeking truth from facts, are in this time, facing a greater enemy. Should people get contented in just "thoughts" and "prayers" alone when in fact those who tell rather just to escape the calling of responsibility? The moment shall one day come, that one after another will realise that there is no option between taking back future or to surrender in this ever-continuing past. Expect slander, arrest, and various forms of terror, but should those truly concerned accept this? No of course! This continuing past are in various forms, with paraphrased thoughts with the same intent-of uphelding interests while throwing crumbs to the folk and describing it as "change", "reform", "development", or any word just to hid an inconvenient truth. And this note wouldn't be surprised if this ever-present order would "shutdown" this society for their interest as it renders people's rights, laws, as obsolete in favour of what they perceive as "new" such as repressive and unjust.

Friday, 24 July 2020

"When their tunes comes Poetry"

"When their tunes comes Poetry"

"Comrades, Forward!"
(inspired from the song "Freikorps Voran")

Comrades forward, the homeland burns
The country is at hell
Comrades froward, the homeland burns
Respond the people's call
Break our fears as hell broke loose
This is for us and land
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
Take the weapon to hand

Comrades forward, the homeland burns
There comes the enemy
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
There lies the anarchy
Let no "law" of their threaten us
Even lives is at stake
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
We'll take the future back

Comrades forward, the homeland burns
In farm, town, and city
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
Freedom meant victory
We don't fight for their scrap papers
Nor promises from theirs
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
We fight for a broken world

Comrades forward, the homeland burns
An end of their decrees
comrades forward, the homeland burns
Agreements meant decease
We are now entering a war
That we never wanted
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
This nation ain't be sold

"I am a Filipino"
(inspired from the poem made by Mahmoud Darwish)

I am a Filipino
Born of thy humble blood
Born in this humble land- of coconut groves, rice paddies, and mud
Usually depicted as happy in every work
Happy in the fields like those on the paintings
Depicting good harvests with songs and dances
Not knowing behind lies the pain
Of ever continuing past of exploiters and living carcasses

Robbed of my ancestor's ricefields
And of the resources given and cherished
By me and all my children
Nothing is left except pittances
And forcing to till under new masters
With unjust wages and slave-like conditions

While masters, both in the field and in the hall
Enjoying what their subjects toil
Their "help" is but crumbs or none as one say
Especially in a time of hunger, thirst, dismay
The decrees they imposed theirs called "just"
When in fact this meant blood in my back
The pain I endure is called "justice"
And the forced contentment, "hope"

Will the order take them too as reported?
Therefore, chat it over:
"I am a Filipino,
That I do not hate people nor assault anyone
But, if I get hungry
Expect me not demand but attack
Expect me and others to attack and burn
Taking over the crops, the products of hardship
I don't care the law and its repercussions
Of prison cells, shallow graves and others
Brought about by an interest-seeking order
The decrees that "speaks about us" are nothing but toilet paper"

Beware exploiters! 
I am a Filipino,
Beware of my hunger, and of my anger!

"Who carries the bright scarlet flag?"
(Inspired from the song "Wer trägt die Schwarze Fahne")

Who carries the bright scarlet flag through mountains and the farmland?
These are the peasants been long oppressed with plough and sickle in hand,
They wish'd for a land to till to live, for theirs it is their right,
But with the order pointing against them- all willing to fight and die!

So lift the flag and fly, 
The scarlet flag till we die
For so long the system against us
The scarlet flag proudly flies

Who carries the bright scarlet flag in those vibrant streets?
The workers coming from factories whose wages less of their feat?
The last time they demand for their just yet the order points against them,
This time their marches the banner flies against order and capital!

Who carries the bright scarlet flag in this oppressed nation?
Whose people willing to break the chains and fight for the revolution?
Are they willing to fight this today against this reaction,
For the wheels of hist'ry befelled on them in this goddamned nation!

"The scarlet sails are now rising"
(inspired from "Mars van het Vlaams legionen")

The scarlet sails are now rising
Over the deep blue sea
Guided by the bright maroon star
Towards thy liberty
The struggle against the dark waves
Adventure as may see
The coming ages shall hear us
To arms! to arms!
To arms for land, liberty!

Come join with us my beloved
Let's sail this sea to freedom
Fighting the waves casting gains't us
For freedom and justice at must

No matter the risk is toward us
Still the urge remains strong
Even if the tyrants slander us
Still the desire ain't be wrong
This homeland is like a vast sea
Of masses whose hopes been yearning
Till reaches the goddamn throne
To arms! To arms!
A ram banging at their door!

Come join with us my beloved
Let's sail this sea to freedom
Fighting the waves casting gains't us
For freedom and justice at must

Friday, 17 July 2020

"Of having Deep, Burning, National Concern"

"Of having Deep, Burning, National Concern"

(Inspired from the Encyclical "Mit Brennender Sorge")


At first, it is with deep anxiety that the people have faced this trial under the present administration. Far from the message of change that the administration brought some years ago, this turned out to be a false statement as instead lies the aggravation of state repression against the people, be it from the "drug war" to those of silencing his critics be it in the name of "anti-terrorism" to the pretentious of anti-oligarchy.

It is not surprising, for with the regime continues to consolidate its order, this change being presented is brought by fear and coercion, of blood and unjust accusation, of eschewing human rights and laws in favour of bastardised "political will" to favour his circle.

Recently, a tyrant has demonstrated how his new law will be used against the people. And this law, meant to expunge the revolutionary movement in the Philippines, may also include those from the opposition and even those who are truly concerned about their country especially in this time of pandemic crisis. That saying simply that he had declared to the Communist Party of the Philippines as a "terrorist group" to justify dissolving peace negotiations (and seriously addressing socioeconomic questions), to those of blaming the opposition for all the woes, altogether a stumbling block by the regime, would say that the arbitrariness with which the order made this law as a prelude to how will be likely be used against those who stood against their way-including those who seek truth from facts and thus exposing the society's inconveniences the order hath brought against.

Again it is unsurprising this order's want, that this controversial move shows utter disdain for freedom and justice, for democratic processes, for national sovereignty. In various comments an ever-increasing number of those who chose the truth over the order's cheap statements shows that they are willing to fight by any means regardless of the risks such as the provisions shown by the law. With their news articles, posts, and commentaries exposing the inconveniences and the expression of opposition they themselves bound "in spite of efforts to judge with moderation and in spite of their own patriotic love, to add reports of things hard and unpleasant." For like the encyclical "Mit Brennender Sorge", that after seeking and showing the truth from facts that brought them discontent, then perhaps, in grateful acknowledgment to God, exclaim with the Apostle of love: "I have no greater grace than this, to hear that my children walk in truth" (John 3:4)."

However, the order treated this seeking and exposing truth as a seditious act ranging from "destroying the fabric of morality" to those of "promoting dissent against the state". The politicised congressional proceedings against a known broadcasting company that led to its shutdown showed how this was carried down in accordance with the administration's orders that has long made clear his antipathy towards media practitioners and groups especially those who are critical towards the regime. For the administration this is a feat against the "oligarchs" as it has publicly abused them with charges of tax evasion, lopsided contracts and others without actually filing any charges. But, regardless of its refutations by some government officials, this proceeding brought about by the administration-majority congress is in fact a mere cover for the tyrant's arm-twisting tactics against some Manila-based big business to demand bigger shares in their profits the way many have been forced to give in to this tyrant and pay him tribute.
But with this "shutdown", will seeking and exposing the truth be stopped? For the administration and its supporters it doesn't matter having a broadcasting company be stripped out of frequency all because of technical reasons, reasons which in fact been refuted but still created an example that having truth not be told unless that "truth" happens to be against their rival in politics and those who stood against their way. In a time when inconsistencies swarm over media, of initial statements and sudden denials, people, regardless of risks, became muckrakers as they seek truth from facts, exposing the inconveniences and to assert an alternative to what percieved as an "organised mess".

The order may continue to remain stubborn in its stances. As shown by its recent statements, the arbitrariness such as brought by the administration's declaration is itself a prelude to possible actions-like the "Anti Terrorism Act" to be used against critics, to the treatment of this pandemic matter as "a peace and order" rather than "health" situation as it orders the police to conduct "house-to-house" hunts for individuals affected by the COVID19 pandemic. Expect its supporters either justify these or divert the reader to their favorite topics of "infrastructure"/or condeming political rivals and radicals for all their woes.

That even the Church also greatly affected by these situations the order brought over. For having the beneficent mission to save souls and uplift communities, of course, as any other concerned member of the folk also has a sincere with, hope to render a fellowman a service essential for their homeland's development and prosperity even in this days of disquet and rage. In every parish lies programs meant to support downtridden parishoners especially those whose programs from the government are rather given insufficient.
For sure everyone doesn't wanted their homeland to remain in poverty and repression, and that the people wanted is to live with peace that's based in justice- but under this ever-continuing order? Even the most concerned government official would ridicule the "peace and development" the order has brought upon to its people.

If then, in this ever-continuing past, that peace has not brought fourth its fruit, which in the interest of the people would enjoy. The "peace" as wanted by this order through the administration is not the peace of the Lord, but a peace rooted on tyranny, an order based on fear and coercion, a development based on interest. The experience brought by the statements and actions of this present administration laid bare intrigues, which from the outset only aimed at having bloodshed and slander against the folk, particularly the poor and downtrodden who wished land and bread. The folk sowed seeds of sincere peace that's based on justice, but the other, rooted on interest, sowed hatred and hostility against those who truly concerned including the media and the church. Silent or vociferous, they are responsible for the string of atrocities, darkening the skies with fear than creating a sunshine of hope.

But despite these, it cannot cease the concerned folk to be the forgers and tillers of the nation's destiny. From the negotiating tables between those who revolt and the government to the halls of the legislature asserting socioeconomic reforms, having done everything to defend the sacred pledge of the given word of honor against actions, which it officially endorsed, that would wreck every faith in agreements make every signature worthless. The order, by thinking such agreements as detrimental to their actions, chose to scrap altogether and instead persecute those who struggle for peace, land, bread, justice, freedom against foreign imperialism and its domestic stooges. Worse, this persecution extended to those who expressed disgust on the administration's inconveniences such as in this pandemic-driven matter, or the ever-continuing extrajudicial acts supporters described as "justice". These and more would say has trampled the law in the name of "stability"- with the tyrant himself justifying by claming these as his own act. Few concerned officials would trieth themselves to be faithful to the agreements, trying to save the need for a "just and lasting peace" against hawks who wished to spoil in the name of "stability and discipline". This shall continue without failing, to stand before this order as defender of violated rights, and in obedience to one's Conscience, whether successful or not, to oppose such policies which seeks, by open or secret means, to strangle rights that's guaranteed by law.

Given at Manila, 17.07.2020

Friday, 10 July 2020

"When both Pandemic and Repression resorts to some poem and song"

"When both Pandemic and Repression
 resorts to some poem and song"


It was some days ago when yours truly was listening to an Ulster Loyalist music. Quite catchy tho the tune and the words given, knowing that the Loyalist who listened to Tina Turner's song seemed inspired to create their own version both to inspire theirs and against their Irish foe during the troubles.
Strange especially that this writer isn't much listening to pop, but that tune somehow did compelleth this writer to create something that points against the order especially with this pandemic situation and how the order use it as a chance to create draconian laws like the "Anti Terrorism Act" and its related actions in the name of "peace and order". 

And this followed by another listening to a song that again Ulster Loyalists borrowed a tune from Johnny Cash's song (all about his love for Ireland) and created a lyrics of theirs telling about their action in Ardoyne against the Irish Nationalists. So strange that they created their own rendition using a song from an American-Irishman, with words glorifying their loyalty to the crown and against the Nationalist cause. 
But for this writer, again, he created his own words that again sought to dethrone the order and challenge their treatment against the people, and how people took to action regardless of the risks "as they moved to another stage" of resistance like the Irish do against the Loyalists- and like Johnny Cash, they professed their love for their emerald isle as the reason for their action. 

To cut this note short, these works would say made out of boredom, if not channeling his sleeplessness, of turning thoughts after both this pandemic and the system's repression into poems or even version of songs out of what he heard today or some days ago.

Simply the best (the people's struggle than all the rest)

(inspired from the song of Tina Turner 
revised by the "Ulster Volunteer Force")

The people are summoned, preparing to fight
(Fuck the system, the president)
All ready to battle fighting for the right
(Fuck the system, the president)
Just swear your allegiance to Freedom
Together we'll fight to the death

Come brothers and sisters, all comrades as one
(Fuck the system, the president)
A one great union and sure with a gun
(Fuck the system, the president)
We all know our people they won't be forgotten
We honour them now.

They're simply the best
The people's struggle than all the rest
Better than anyone
Like the system and its president
The flags are on high
And we have sworn that
we'll fight till we die
Loyal and true
Defending the Red White & Blue.

Our comrades from country are ready to move
(Fuck the system, the president)
No matter the law bends us still battles go through
(Fuck the system, the president)
The people, the nation, prepare to break the roads
for country's proud name.

The red flags are waving once-empty street
(Fuck the system, the president)
No matter the risk message's never retreat
(Fuck the system, the president)
Let no law nor force will break us 
-Resistance's the way


So listen people! They won't get control
This homeland of mine, will never be sold
Prepare for battle, it's coming today
No surrender-freedom's the way!


"The action is not a party, but the joys continue on"
(To the tune of "The night we burned Ardoyne")

I've often thought and wondered what the outcome might been
If the masses rise up the streets turned fiesta as one seen
Like those in Escolta or Mendiola as where I had been
A party as a protest to an order very mean

Do you remember the actions, all as called sobriety
Like the one the media been called "miracle of the rosary"
But the hopes turned all but nothing, as the damned oligarchy
Turned the guns towards against us, in Mendiola as one see

The events can't end all our hopes, but instead filled our rage
Like the past the people fight back, till moving the next stage
History has come to tell ye, that the struggle still lives on
And the battle the order's trouble- till their terror be no more

The action is not a party, but the joys continue on
For the people's will as goddamn right while the system is but wrong
By all mean including by the gun we will never all be down
Like the colours in the flag flying, so the cause be renown

"It is better to fight back than live in a life of servitude"

It is better to fight back than live in a life of servitude
No matter life as its price the struggle should rage on
As the world whose oppressed has awakened from its sleep
Through the battle drums of struggle the awakening are raging
The people had reached the limits of enforced sobrieties
As they wished for that goddamned justice, liberties

Prayers, Sacrifices, Pleas are all not enough
Not even the laws being done- waste of papers all but none
The children are dying in famines as the order enjoys the fruits
And the rest levied exoribtantly with the same order more they took
When will the people awake and come to their senses
That their enforced contentments bring sorrow to the masses?

Time and again this oppression continues to reign
A continuity in different themes, their ideas in changing phrases
Of glass and steel facades trying to hide the inconvenient shanties
If not praising the glories of the cities enough to divert from the country's miseries
Still this country remains at the hands of the same order whose mind can't refuse
To keep their interests firm, "why fear the abuse"?

Not surprising every changing themes 
As seeing new masters' faces same thoughts as old bosses
Thoughts of blaming to the awakened masses
As the latter expressed angst if not demand a future 
But freedom and justice is not obtained by begging
By appeals political power is not won.

There is nothing new in this "New Normal"

There is nothing new in this "New Normal"
Despite the order proclaim
For same old policies
Are ought to remain
Supported by new dreaded acts
Trying to ensure our silence
Trying to cower us by fear
In this pandemic-driven pain

There is nothing new in this "New Normal"
For despite numerous deaths
Life continues to go on
I don't know if that moving on meant "moving forward"
But as what they say, they simply "move on"
Moving on while the system create new things
Situations enough to silence us again
Be it by law, or by the truncheon's blow
Prison cells be filled, trumped-up charges then

But one thing I realise this "New Normal" 
Is not caused by a global pandemic
It is brought by an incompetent order 
Acting so aggressively insanic
The fear is not something viral
But from an order that's abnormal
Let's flatten the curve both 'gainst the microbe and the rascal
From this "We'll redeem as one"

"New Poems for July"

"New Poems for July"

Long oppressed, tormented
Long insulted, persecuted
And all because of a desire
A free homeland from a downtrodden people

We are robbed of lives and rights
From a leader who "cares about human lives"
Locked, shot, disappeared from sight
By the order who thinks all comes from might

And all because of getting concerned
And that concern becomes a fight for truth
Such as a freedom from a shackled slave
Or redemption by a nation in rage

The past lives on, that past of repression
The ever continuing threat, by the order and its delusion
But we won't be frightened, be it by their prison nor tyranny
We will fight back, we must awaken humanity

The continuing past of suffering slaves
The present danger of hunger and cold
This fear must stop if one wishes to create
A free homeland, a cherished world

From iron chains to shallow graves
Threats in various forms, all from a dictatorship guised as "democracy"
So strange that instead of freedom, a low intensity infamy
They only arrest or kill the body, but never its fighting spirit

That fighting spirit serves as a seed
A seed that's all to become an immortal flower
And that fighting spirit is a sweet smelling flower
Blossoming, rooting everywhere

It grows in every concerned being
It blooms to those who love the light
Its scent so sweet is the scent of justice
The drivel in this sacred fight

We had enough of shedding tears
Of enforced silence driven by fear
For time will bring new fighters
Willing to fight till this home breaks free!

The order bid me dance with you
Dancing despite the hidden pain
With faces portraying the sorrow hidden underneath the smile
In an event sponsored by the order even for awhile
Dancing with you while others amaze
Like the planets and stars in their celestial motion vibrate
Like Shiva whose drum meant to create
And the fire on the other destruction would be fate
The order enjoys as bid me and others to dance
Dancing as if no pain suffering happened in every glance
Moving despite growing numbers of deaths
Shaking despite rising suffering and pain
Bah! I had enough of this dancing for this doesn't flatten the curve
For the order use this pandemic situation
To heighten their wanton aggression!

"To Patricia"

Your presence makes this day so sweet
And with your embrace so warm as it seems
That made me thank the heavens as if prayers been granted
That after years of emptiness my heart is been filled
How lovable your are for all those years
Despite this world surrounded by fear
And that with the kindness, your love, your charm 
Making I say how lovable you are! Hope god keep you from harm!

For your beautiful presence 
there's nothing best in the world
Than your beautiful presence
So lovable that can miss you
Despite this world full of pain
Your all has brought joy like rain
Filling the emptiness in my heart from time and again
Sometimes I want to ask you
What made fate brought us here?
Was it the voices from our minds and hearts
Compelling us to meet despite our fear?
Quite weird at first would say
But as time goes by we understand
Making our friendliness truly matter

Sometimes our worries becomes sad or sinister
When time breaks us away
These becoming tests 
Trying to keep firm or come what may
Through heat or rain
We struggle no matter the pain
Our love we tend like roses
Grow, bloom, hope we together again

And say oh! How happy this person who has
This gift from the heavens
This beautiful presence
My love!

"Let me wear the red beret my love"

Let me wear the red beret my love
Even in this time of irrelevance
Even in this time of forgetting
And even in this time of ceaseless moving.

This beret I wore has it's claim
Not for fame, but the memories I carry worth living
Just like the scenes from the past where life seemed simple
If not marred by the battles whose dreams be tainted by blood, joy, and sorrow.

You hear the shouts? The footsteps rising?
The fire in their chests boiling as their fighting songs been singing
All facing the order, one street to the other
The shout of their struggle cowering the dreaded master

Quite amazed at that time as I wore that red beret
As life like the scene in Dr. Zhivago as the actions 
Be it facing the attack dogs to those of throwing stones
Countering one tyrant after another

And in the air seeing rising guns from uniformed goons
Trying to "control the situation" by cowering the growing mass of anger
All as if reminiscent of Les Miserables
As the people had enough of their enforced peace

They had enough of enforced sobriety
As the order tried to silence them
They are tired of silence wanting to vent rage
As they see one after another in pain

They had enough of recalling events of 87
Or of 09 and of succeeding years
As instead wishing to avenge those bloodied pasts
And their families, friends-turned-martyrs

Pardon that I recalled those times 
But those times worth described as epic
As the cry of the homeland inspires us
To resist till proclaim to the world

As the Red Beret like the Liberty Cap
Whose colour meant redemption, if not resistance
A wittness to this continuing revolution

So again, let me wear the red beret my love
To fight back in this time of irrelevance
To resist in this time of forgetting
And to move forward as ceaselessly fighting

Monday, 6 July 2020

"After seeing age-old Buildings, Ruins-to-be structures, and the Hope to reclaim, revive almost-lost heritage"

"After seeing age-old Buildings, 
Ruins-to-be structures,
 And the Hope to reclaim, revive almost-lost heritage"

Seems that some of the age-old buildings stubbornly continue to stand despite threats coming for years. 

Mostly coming from old districts within Manila and other major cities, these buildings, made before, during, and even after the American period, stood the est of time only to face this kind of challenge- demolition threats from new owners.

It is a valid concern, for given the city's historical heritage would say that tourists come and go to see its timeless wonder- and some of which has its mark in history like the former building of the Hospicio de San Jose in Binondo, Burke Building, Edificio Calvo, Perez-Samanillo, Regina, and others whose contribution to history hath been etched in its annals.

However, not all of these buildings would soon remain especially with developers wanting to replace with another that's "aesthetically pleasing" but devoid of its significance as the older ones. Worse, to see a supposed proactive government but having lack of attention and political will towards these timeless structures, thus making these gorgeous landmarks disappear. Worse, to see the same government tolerating such unlikely work "in the name of progress and development"- and sometimes using words like "necessary sacrifice" in the case of the former Jai Alai some years ago for a supposed Hall of Justice. It was a macabre moment then when former Manila mayor Atienza demolished that prewar structure despite protests from concerned groups, but did the construction of his "hall of justice" proceed? Nope.

Thus, these structures depend on concerned private agencies like the "Heritage Conservation Society" and "Advocates for Heritage Preservation" to support the preservation efforts aside from stopping those who wanted its demise. There are also owners who actively supported preservation efforts in their buildings like the Sylantieng couple, whose Perez-Samanillo building continues to remain an iconic symbol of Escolta and a place for its cultural venues.

Why are these buildings under threat?

Since late 80s up to present, there are buildings in Manila, as well as other cities in Metro Manila that have been torn down and although the pace of that has stopped, it has by no means halted.

Ramona Apartments
(then and after demolished)
Take the art deco structures in Ermita, they were once known in the capital due to its architectural style if not for its residents coming from high society; but as years passed these structures changed owners, and some owners rather leave these structures in a state of disrepair. There are times that land and property rights are messy and unclear in some cases, making it impossible to determine who has the right to maintain it. Worse, to see them unnecessary to renovate due to cost, and instead allowing to put down for a new one.

Locsin's Mandarin Oriental
and Hotel Intercontinental
(now long gone)
Another example would be in the case of Makati. Known for its financial district, there were structures that seemed to be iconic like the famous Mandarin Oriental and Hotel Intercontinental made by the National Artist Leandro Locsin. These structures however, end demolished after their decades-long contracts expired and the Ayala's decision not to renegotiate but also to demolish amidst concern if not protest from heritage and even cultural groups citing the creator being a National Artist nor the iconic feature of these structures.

Even Escolta itself and the Binondo-Sta Cruz-San Miguel Districts aren't even escaped from the threat as the former Philippine National Bank and its neighbouring prewar Hamilton Fashion building and the much-known Capitol theatre were demolished. Even the 1925-era original location of the Magnolia Ice Cream Plant in Echague wasn't even escaped from the wrecking ball regardless of numerous concerns related to its age-old structure. But come to think that these edifices stood the test of time if not made by artists whose coveted National Artist Prize has made these buildings well-known and therefore be retained for posterity. But with an interest-seeking order preferring profit over heritage, these rather end under the wrecking ball and making others old under threat. 

Truly quite concerning regarding these past reports, especially that with all these incidents, as well as these structures continue to be in a state of threat by so-called developers and all then again that issue becomes an object of discussion and concern amongst heritage and other cultural groups. Thankfully there are good people within the legislature, city government, as well as in the private sector in showing concern on the state of heritage. But does it mean should get contented to these people? These people come and go while those next in line be either serious in preserving heritage or having their principles compromised.  Perhaps the bigger issue lies in a stubborn need to tie everything in red tape, while simultaneously confusing basic jurisdictional issues.

Seeing hope from those truly concerned 

Luckily there are concerned individuals and groups alike trying to preserve and make relevance the buildings with all its age-old charm. As more and more buildings being demolished for some "modern" ones, these rather affects the districts integrity, like what Arts Serrano of One/Zero Design Collective in BluPrint magazine said: 

"Paving way for super-tall buildings maximising floor plates instead of preserving what makes Escolta who she is,"

Quite hopeful isn't it? For as designers, planners, architects, even writers alike expressed concern and showing something a glimpse of future that respects the roots, its identity. As cities like Singapore, HongKong, Taipei, Indonesia trying their "bests" to preserve their heritage by making closer to their futuristic hopes, the idea of applying new ideas in old designs makes a healthy, robust, sustainable community. 

And hopefully this doesn't limit to Escolta alone. For sure there are other districts within Metro Manila as well as in the provinces that wished to have a rooted future rather than a rootless one. This rooted future isn't just about creating radical structures or redesigning alone, driven by hope to revive also meant addressing social issues that makes one would think "for whom are they doing" and that is for their fellow folk. The dream of a sustainable but reinvigourated district coincides with the idea of taking back future from those who ought to exploit from time and again as in this ever-continuing past. 

However, most these are rather remained as designs, some of which were first experimented on at school or proposed in their design studios, but left archived. But these creations would say provided something that's alternative to an ever-exploitative one what everyone seen nowadays in their districts, in their cities, some even near their homes. 

Worse, to see sustainability hijacked by those who are wanting to exploit, treating the idea as an alibi the way using the word "facade" for the sake of retaining the front structure while a new one built inside it- even it negates the integrity of the structure itself as opposed to the much-agreed adaptive reuse of old buildings.


The fate of these surviving buildings continues to run parallel to that of Manila's fate. Subjected to contradictory forces resulting to mixed results of blessings and curses.

That in the case of Perez-Samanillo, Regina, and Edificio Calvo, these remained intact thanks to the good stewardship of its owners, all driven both by a desire to upheld timeless elegance and the idea of making Escolta, no matter how old its buildings, remains relevant. On the other hand, El Hogar Filipino seemed lucky enough to survive despite threats of demolition like what happned in Capitol theatre or the former PNB main building. 

It is not surprising about this matter- especially as newcomers trying to dislodge its former inhabitants from every district, so are the buildings. Expect these be demolished while trying to justify ranging from "keeping its facade" to those of shutting critics down alongside callous handling, and willful caprice of its appointed guardians and developers, who often seem bent on destroying the little that's left of a district's remaining architectural legacy.  

But no matter what, cities, specifically its districts tell their stories through their buildings. And Metro Manila (not just Manila alone), being a meltingpot of East and West, shows how its influences enriched through centuries- but more tragic than a calamity is the self-destructing ignorance what most people shown nowadays, of "moving on" as it dismisses heritage as an irrelevant matter, with this dismissing somehow becomes an "opportunity" for these exploiters-to-be to justify their motives, regardless of the protests from a concerned community.

Perhaps, as a concerned folk, it becomes a duty for a guardian of national heritage to ensure its survival and relevance. Is it because of "seeing old as beautiful?" "Sentimentality?" Not really, but come to think that these structures no matter how old it was built these stood the test of time and therefore remain contributing to a district's growth and sustainability. Expect numerous risks and problems as cities are slowly being homogenized with a largely commercial perspective when it comes to planning and application, worse, making its own age-old identity eroding as its timeless-built heritage gets torn down piece-by-piece if not block-by-block. But it is up to every concerned to keep memories alive as these timeless edifices standing not just to keep itself "relevant" so to speak, but to be part of a future that's more than just the delusions shown in each and everyone.

Friday, 3 July 2020

"Neither Law nor Force shall trample the Folk!"

"Neither Law nor Force shall trample the Folk!"

(A message regarding the recent signing of the Anti-Terrorism Act)

At first, this writer, like others concerned, strongly expressed opposition against the passage of the Anti-Terrorism act signed by Rodrigo Duterte earlier. 

For despite its vaguely description of terrorism, to the provisions which contradicts the constitution, this law, which many legal experts, human rights advocates, and concerned masses alike, find worry as the Duterte regime has wanting to unleash a greater reign of terror in the name of "peace and order".

It is not surprising, especially that in this time of pandemic caused by COVID19, that the regime rather thinks about self-preservation than those of providing adequate and immediate care to its constituents, as the law created a "new normal" that's based on fear, emboldening state forces to commit worse acts and human rights violations- pointing against vocal critics, advocates of civil rights, and promoters of pro-people reforms. This law also exposes the regime being paranoid, inept, and selfish kind of administration that like those of its predecessors trying to upheld an ever-rotting system that exploits the folk.

This misplaced priority is manifested in many ways even prior to this newly-signed act. Be it the massive deployment of state forces during the "community quarantine", or the threat of declaring martial rule, the order doesn't matter about "flattening the curve" especially through mass testing and sufficient care of the affected, but instead taking advantage of restrictions, ganging up on opposition, and to push through an orderist agenda-a "new normal" that benefits Duterte's camarilla and allies. 

But despite this passage, the people cannot be cowered and silenced. Regardless of the risks as shown by the provisions of the act, the growing number of concerned citizens continues to seek truth from facts, exposing the bullshitry, and opposing the measures this order, through the Duterte administration trying to push through. For sure Duterte, in his past statement during the State of the Nation Address talks about "human lives" over "human rights", but does silencing dissent and curtailing civil rights also meant defending human lives? 

Again the concerned will ever remain vigilant regardless of the risks- for this fear-based normalcy rather worsen this clear and present situation. 

For Neither Law nor Force that's brought by the order shall trample the folk.