Friday 14 April 2017

"And the word made flesh (and dwellth amongst us)"

"And the word made flesh (and dwellth amongst us)"

At first, one teacher said that about the time of Jesus Christ's death to a very specific point in history: and it was around 3:00 in the afternoon, Friday, April 3, A.D. 33.

For the love of the oppressed and of the poor, the son of god hath joined if not led all faithful and revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives fighting for righteousness as well as on behalf of the poor who desired for justice.

It may sound too political, but given the nature of Christ's suffering to his crucifixion, his death means a lesson to those who be trying to subvert an unjust order all because of proclaiming the good news of salvation.

And that salvation is both of the body and of the soul, of remolding character and of emancipating the community from its disorder.

And because of his commitment to bring the message he was suffered and died not to save mankind from sin and the torments of hell, but also to show people ultimately that defending, serving, fighting, sacrificing on behalf of the poor and of dispossessed means embracing humiliation, pain, and death.

For on the first place, he was the same Christ who teaches the children, healed the sick, fed the hungry, console the desperate. But he was the same Christ who expelled the moneylenders and of the vendors in the temple whom he called as his father's house.

And thus with his actions, be it good in the eyes of his people and bad in the eyes of the order, made him face and accept suffering and death. Ironically, his death, the crucifixion itself was a sacrifice with himself taking place of the lamb. But that sacrifice was less religious in the eyes of the order but rather a punishment for taking the side of the poor, for interpreting the law as different from the Pharisees and of the scribes, what more of seeing his acts as subversive in nature.

Sounds political isn't it? After all, his message of salvation was and is a political act that speaks about what humanity needs: nourishing the body as well as the soul.
And in it perhaps, it is the duty of the faithful to support what is spiritual with material especially if that is to support that is right, just, and moral. It may sound ambitiously ideal but ever since people be told that "kingdom of God is in them", then why not fulfill it? Faith, Hope, and Charity also paved way to the aspirations of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity; strange but for sure everyone wanted a virtuous life both man and his society.
For like any other scripture, be it the law or the sayings of the prophets, the desire for a better world is more than just an aspiration nor a desire: but a call for its realisation.

Come to think of this: Christ died on the cross, for he imparted the desire that is more than the redemption of the body, but of the spirit; and as for the faithful, and seeing the inconvenient reality, then it is the duty of the faithful not just to redeem the soul, but of the body from repression.

And that body is more than just the flesh, but of the community that is, to be liberated and be given hope.

And Christ, the word made flesh, has continued to dwellth amongst us. The martyrs followed what Christ did: by spreading the message of salvation and living amongst the people.