Sunday 30 April 2017

Day of Labour: Day of Struggle!

Day of Labour: Day of Struggle!

A message in commemoration of the International Workers Day

At first, this page sends solidarity greetings to the workers, peasants, and all the masses those exploited by their repressive orders around the world. This page also extend revolutionary greetings to all those in struggle, as well as to stand shoulder to shoulder in their resistance against war, repression, and injustice that affects every way of life under a present repressive order.

And in spite of recent advancements, this celebration is more than just remembering the struggles of the past, but to reaffirm that the struggle for a better world has to fight over. Notwithstanding the differences between the past and of present situations, events such as the Paris Commune, the 1917 October Revolution, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, even the 1896 Philippine revolution and other related struggles holds many valuable and fundamental lessons for the labouring masses, in its struggle to change society.

Speaking of those revolutions in the past, these actions are not driven by profound words, but by realities. Words like Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity is not enough compared to the realistic shouts of Peace, land, and Bread. The lessons of October continues as the present order remains mired in crisis economically, politically, and socially. The horrors of capitalism, neocolonialism, and semi-feudalism are to be seen every day in Asia, Africa and Latin America. And even in Europe, where capitalist-oriented austerity drives millions into deeper poverty and destitution, as can be seen by the continuing agony of the Greek people; and with events like BrExit shows, as well as signals the profound failure of the bosses’ "European Union".

Yet in spite of these truths, it continues to be denied if not misinterpreted with falsehoods thinking that these truths are detrimental to the interests elitists continue to keep about. In the Philippines, the recent occupation of abandoned housing sites by urban poor militants exposed the anomalies and mismanagement of housing projects, yet redescribed as anarchy and chaos by self-proclaimed "concerned groups"; while farmers, in spite of their approvals to take over contested farmlands like Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac and Lapanday in Mindanao in the name of agrarian reform, continue to be harassed by the state and maligned by those whose views on agrarian reform be seen as too radical if not detrimental to the neoliberal form of development that is, tied to the interests of the few and not of the many. Worker-related issues like low wages and contractualisation continue to be fight against as they have long been united in their position that all forms of contractualization must end in contrast to the establishment's further institutionalization and legalization of contractual employment schemes through the Labor Department's "Order 168" which directly opposes workers’ position, as well as describing wage increases as detrimental to productivity according to several business groups like the "Chamber of Commerce and Industry"; so are other sectors affected by high prices of goods and services like tuition and other fees, and everyone who still felt the policies tied by imperialist interests like those from the United States, and the bloodthirsty exploits brought upon by its war dogs, creating victims on its path as in its past.

But in spite all of these truths, of these actually existing facts, the system continues to misinterpret the situation as chaotic, if not detrimental to their perception of their neoliberal-inspired progress, the way they think about wage increases, low prices of food and services, agrarian reform, industrialisation and efficient distribution of social services (health, education, housing) as against their views like "efficiency" and "productivity", which is actually profit-oriented, exploitative, repressive.

After all, as what Lenin said in his leaflet made in 1896:

"Comrades! Let us look carefully into the conditions of our life; let us observe that environment wherein we pass our days. What do we see? We work hard; we create unlimited wealth, gold and rich fabrics, brocade and velvet; we dig iron and coal from the bowels of the earth; we build machines, ships, castles, railways. All the wealth of the world is created by our hands, is obtained by our sweat and blood. And what reward do we receive for our hard labor? In justice we should live in fine houses, wear good clothing, and in any case not want for our daily bread. But we all know very well that our wages scarcely suffice for a bare existence. Our bosses lower the wage-rates, force us to work over-time, unjustly fine us. In a word, they oppress us in every way, and, in case of dissatisfaction on our part, they promptly discharge us. We time and time again discover that those to whom we turn for protection are friends and lackeys of our bosses. We, the workers are kept in ignorance, education is denied us, that we may not learn to struggle to improve our conditions. They hold us in bondage, discharge us on the slightest pretext, arrest and exile anyone offering resistance to oppression, forbid us to struggle. Ignorance and bondage — these are the means by which the capitalists and the Government, always at their service, keep us in subjection."

Sounds hardcore isn't it? But again, the lessons of the past revolts has still remain relevant no matter how modern the country is. In a so-called continuing past, the repression, disenfranchisement, exploitation, various sorts of injustices will create various forms of actions pointing against repressors and disenfranchisers. Numerous deaths due to struggle may happen from time to time, but more and more will come and take over the flag knowing that the struggle for a just world has ought to come, thinking that if progress is limited to economic progress as frequently babbled by neoliberalists and depicted as high rise skyscrapers, then it is meaningless; and that Progress should also affects the development of man and community, of life and its work, in order to bring the promised heaven in this wretched earth we all desire to make change.

Admittingly speaking, May 1, the International Workers Day, is more than a day to commemorate past struggles and honours, but a springtime of renewed hopes and struggles for a better world that has to come. 

And in it, everyone will admit that at first it is a difficult task. Sorry to say it but that difficult task requires togetherness, of blood, mind, and sinew in order to  In this may day, the day of the laborer, it is a duty to assert that desire not by work alone, both for development and against those who hinder. Be it the ones who stubbornly keep their interests, and those who are snobbish in those who purposely take actions in the name of social justice.

After all, when was the time making a societal change is not a difficult task? For sure everyone talks about "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity", but its nature has been diluted thanks to a system's hypocrisy to such profound ideals the way they treat "Mercy and Compassion" as a political rhetoric to impress potential voters. Let everyone notice that these words needs actions, that in its so-called ideals needs fulfillment as more and more people demand habitable homes, affordable food and clothes, just labor with real wages, and a just, lasting peace!