Sunday, 11 June 2023

“Still, the Filipino people will always try to take back the future!”

“Still, the Filipino people will always try to take back the future!”

A message for Independence Day 

Warm, patriotic greetings. 

It is true that June 12, that the Philippines commemorates one of the most solemn moments in its history, and yet the Filipino people are still beholden to the whims of powerful interests, who, as in the past, have kept the oppressive and unfair status quo in place while turning many aspirations, including "national independence," into empty platitudes as the nation celebrates its 125th anniversary. 

For despite the impression of “independence”, and expected messages of “unity”, “solidarity”, “upholding freedom”, “liberty”, “democracy” or “promoting progress and development”, these words being babbled by the current order doesn’t suffice the problems they themselves half-hearted, if not fail to address but instead leaving it aggravated. Of course, the order tend to sarcastically recognise the problem or outrightly deny it, but will the ever growing concerned just stay mum? No! Never! People cannot just stay mum after seeing elected bureaucrats and “economic managers” talking about “development” only to see them consolidating their interests at the expense of the people- that makes no different from their once colonial masters. 

The controversial “Maharlika Wealth Fund” for instance, shows that cheap words coming from legislators and “economic managers” whilst having lack of funds and a nation in debt cannot suffice present and future problems; or the recent “food stamp” program that while trying to “resolve the hunger crisis” does it benefited the farmer in need of access to needy buyers? Or the smuggler that’s wanting to make profit on the program in connivance with the bureaucrat? Such programs may appear beneficial, and this reminds of the “Build Build Build” of the past administration, once described as a “basis for the golden age of infrastructure” that rather left the country with debt like the earlier administrations, and forces people to pay taxes more with its proceeds most which allocated to debt servicing. 

Furthermore, contrary to what the current order tries to impress that there’s “economic emancipation” or “political liberation”, that the struggle for peace, land, bread, and justice continues, as farmers continue to demand genuine agrarian reform and rural development, as they themselves remain chained to the whims of despotic landlords who, in connivance with corrupt bureaucrats and compradores alike, try to circumvent laws, dilute people's demands, in order to consolidate their interests, as they did in previous decades. While workers, who endure meagre pay, less or no benefits, and threats of dismissal, continue to demand for a living wage, improved working conditions, and the right to organize, these what the current status quo tends to downplay while oppressing them with unfair laws and actions that benefit the ruling class. Even small businesspeople, laity, and intellectuals are also affected by the socioeconomic crisis including that of scandals in which they themselves becoming concerned and willing to voice out their dissent regardless of risks posed by threats coming from the regime. 

And it is not unexpected that, despite the fact that this current administrations looks to be lite than its bloody predecessor, assassinations and assaults on individuals who speak out against the system and tyrannical leaders have become more open. With the previous administration's anti-terrorism statute, as well as organizations such as the NTFELCAC, peasant organizers, indigenous leaders, union leaders, and religious activists, anyone who opposes corporate and landlord interests, have all been harassed or slain. Along with this oppressive governance, development aggression in the countryside continues, contractualization continues, corruption and subservience to foreign interests prevail, and these would argue that the words being babbled by the current administration be it this June 12 or any other national holiday are the same as those of the past: hollow rhetoric attempting to appease an ever-growing angry people!

These struggles, as in the past, would say that the country remains in a state of a continuing past whose people continue to demand for a future. In this 125 celebration of Philippine independence, this note is ought to say that yes, the nation appears to be free, but so long as the nation remains an appendage of local tyrants and foreign interests, this nation remains unfree and never be at a just peace, let alone silence based on fear, and order rooted on oppression and injustice. This struggle brought by an oppressed people doesn’t stop in 1898, 1946, or even in 1986, but instead a continuous one, as the relentless clamor of the people for national and social liberation is itself a rededication to the noble ideals and aspirations that inspired those from the past and present, and to keep alive the vision of a free, just, and independent Philippines.

“Having hearts swell with patriotic fervor- till enough to resist a decadent rotten order”

“Having hearts swell with patriotic fervor- 
till enough to resist a decadent rotten order”

Warm, patriotic greetings.

This note is made in commemoration of the 125th year of independence, and for sure people from all walks of life having hearts swell with pride and patriotic fervor- for that occasion serves as a poignant reminder of the indomitable spirit of heroic forefathers who valiantly fought against Spanish colonial rule. On this significant day, embark on a journey that not just recognises the past, but also to seek truth in this inconvenient present and to forge for a future.  

For despite this setting called “independence”, the Philippines remains a vassal of both American and Chinese interests, be it in a form of unequal agreements to that of direct interference in economic and in sociopolitical affairs as their companies able to exploit the country’s wealth for their interests as well as that of its local vassals. Such bullshitry may appear benevolent for as in the past it promoted “development” in various forms, including that of breed of bureaucrat capitalists especially those who were trained in “American-style democracy” and thus represented the interests of the US and the new class of big bourgeois compradors who melded interests with the old landlord class. 
But that „democracy” is in fact provided the existing feudal caciquism with a façade that incudes the „people”, with the prviledges such as that of suffrage and some “participation” in the political sphere. But who’s making the laws and mostly benefited on?

But despite this, this failed to extinguish the people’s spirit of nationalism in various forms. Be it visual art, literature, to that of stirring speeches, protest marches, and even wars in the countryside, every action driven by a socio-nationalist sentiment becomes a weapon enough to maim if not cripple a foreign occupier or a local vassal. For sure the current order tends to downplay the growing concern if not the will to resist the common folk as systemic problems continue to prevail- that unjust agreements with foreign powers, systemic corruption from scrupulous bureaucrats and “economic managers”, various forms of injustice from crooks and its “attack dogs”, it is not so surprising that they are so apprehensive about facing accountability that they spew lie after lie, unwittingly exposing their guilt to the public.   

 Call it romanticism or idealism this note for in this time most messages for independence day merely wishes for „progress and development” but such recalls from the past, that of local caciques acting vassal-like to its foreign masters for some crumbs shows that these remain significant in this current „modern setting” that still benefited these modern-day caciques at the expense of the struggles and aspirations of the common working people- and that is a growing tyranny that cannot be ignored.  
The common folk have enough of these wishes for “progress and development”, but, in this time of systemic corruption, poverty, and injustice would say why nationalism of the folk is still the reason for a nation to survive and keep fighting to build a future that this current order still failed to offer despite promises.

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

“Sometimes, seeing them still making fake news means they’re really taking the offensive.”

Sometimes, seeing them still making fake news 
means they’re really taking the offensive.” 

It’s been years passed ever since people seriously take fake news. 

Driven by the need to defend their idol, its legacy, and to offend its enemies, fake news has served its purpose- that of serving its supporters a source of their coping mechanism, treating it “legit” as necessarily no matter how false it is. However, despite coping and defending the current order against the opposition and even concerned folks, the reality of these people enjoying fake news meant tolerating disinformation that continues to mislead people. 

Quite saddening tho for a reader or a listener in believing those “alternative facts” although that’s their right to listen or read those fake news the way its makers using the right to free speech and press as a license to make false reportage- There are certain stories that are partially true but not entirely so, for example, when a journalist only quotes a portion of what a politician says, misrepresenting their meaning. Once more, this might be done on purpose to persuade readers of a particular opinion or it could be the result of a simple error. In either case, it draws a crowd and has the potential to spread as a "urban myth." But such distortions diminishes the content that makes one believable at first, only to found countered by facts brought by investigation and therefore dismisses the initial believability of the first report, that reflects the maker’s primary objective: that of changing people’s viewpoints in favour of their narrative. 

But for those who strongly support this doesn’t matter- for in defence of their patron would say that no matter how false the report would be it is their copium or hopium especially when faced with loss, failure or defeat. Fake news serves both their sword and shield in the face of growing criticism be it during the time of pork barrel scandals of the Aquino administration to that of extrajudicial killings under Duterte. 
And supporters, through a proliferation of “news sites” had to churn false reports and fabricated “truths” to and fro to divert attention to the truth if not to assail that of their enemies. It's true that social media platforms give practically everyone the ability to express their ideas or spread tales to large audiences. Creators tend to appeal on to "the man in the street" and arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, with appeal to emotions and instincts, and not the intellect. The problem is that most people don't check the source of the material that they view online before sharing it, which can lead to fake news spreading quickly or even "going viral." With this somehow it has grown more challenging to determine the original source of news articles, which might make it challenging to evaluate their correctness. For coming from its creators truth to them is meaningless and has to be completely submissive to tactics and psychology - as they have to promote the soiled “glories” of their patron regardless of its exaggerations or falsehoods the way they equate his rivals to that of criminals or terrorists. 

And regardless of showing them truths, it doesn’t matter for those who believe for it becomes copium or hopium for them knowing that they not just place their hopes on their patron, but also a form of disagreement towards its enemies, the way they cherish a nostalgia for an authoritarian order over that of democracy they perceived as chaos. After all, it doesn’t matter for them about Noynoy Aquino provided an excess budget in the national treasury for it was his time when pork barrel scams emerged! It doesn’t even matter about Duterte’s bloodied sprees such as Operations Tokhang and Double Barrel for it was also his time when infrastructure projects under the “Build Build Build” program was set! 

Perhaps, in a time where every "report," whether genuine, partially true, or false, is viewed as a copium or even a hopium, it may become necessary for the people to distinguish further from facts. These makers then and now are in the offensive as their patron tries its best to consolidate by hard and soft means- that even for experts, it can be difficult to sort through the massive amount of information created and shared online because of the popularity of social media sites, which have supplanted reliable information sources despite their potential to quickly spread falsehoods, be they words or actions, to an audience, and sometimes make it very difficult to tell fake content from real content.

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Still, the folk disagrees with that Maharlika fund!

Still, the folk disagrees with that Maharlika fund!

It seems that the so-called “economic managers” of the Marcos administration remains stubborn in making this proposed Maharlika Wealth Fund a reality. For amidst popular criticism this Malacañang-supported bill was ratified with unjustified and questionable railroading by the administration and its minions in the legislature - that shows a shameful and outrageous act in insisting a “sovereign wealth fund” amidst lack of funds and of increasing debts. 

For, in the midst of an acute and deepening economic crisis and the rapid deterioration of millions of people's living situations, this Maharlika Wealth Fund will be an additional burden on their shoulders. The vast majority of working people are upset that Marcos jr., his economic managers, and allies in the legislature prioritized that Maharlika wealth fund while monies for public health, education, and other social services continue to be severely underfunded. 

But on the other hand, there are those from the higher house that tends to block attempts to use funds from the Social Security System (SSS), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), PhilHealth, PAGIBIG Fund, Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), and even the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) in this proposed wealth fund, whilst putting a 25% limit to the investible funds of the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and Land Bank that would be exposed to the fund’s operations. Quite agreeable what those concerned solons insisted especially in blocking the use of the pension funds, but, despite this provision in the senate bill No. 2023 that the House of Representatives adopted, Marcos jr. said it is up to pension fund agencies to invest in the proposed sovereign wealth fund. And as of press time, there is no announcement yet from the government whether the president has signed the proposed measure into law.  

Regardless of the concerns, if not outright opposition to the proposed fund from some solons, the majority of legislators in both the Senate and the House strongly support that Maharlika Wealth Fund, because, like the president and his economic managers who proposed it, they believe in its importance regardless of the existing problems. As one senator explained, the proposed fund would allow the government to finance initiatives through equity rather than debt. Although intriguing, the fund intended to "support" government programs, if realized, will still have scarce funds rather than a windfall or excess meant to justify the formation of a sovereign wealth fund as such. 
And as according to Section 16, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution, Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) must pass the test of economic viability as concerned economic experts have raised plenty of arguments that cast doubt on whether the proposed wealth fund has passed or even be subjected to this test. 

However, such concerns is meaningless for those who strongly support, especially in light of the looming crisis, as they would claim that the bill may include provisions for offenses and punishments such as graft and corrupt activities, and books and accounts will be subject to examination by the Commission on Audit, with oversight from Congress. But is it enough to make the fund really win the trust of many who have enough of corrupt bureaucrats and mispriorities? It is unsurprising that, as in the past, the Maharlika Wealth Fund will funnel hundreds of billions of pesos of people's money into the dirty hands of Bongbong Marcos and his cronies in order to fatten their pockets, as it can be used to support favored private businesses in exchange for crony loyalty, in the same way that his dictator father secured political allegiance of cronies. 

For now the concerned will remain vigilant on this proposed wealth fund be it in paper or in its realisation as they strongly oppose it from the start- for regardless of justifications from its apologists, the money being used to fund this “venture” is still the people’s money, being contributed by the folk through taxes, and it is the duty of each and every concerned folk to make appointed or elected bureaucrats really accountable in their actions the way they themselves sworn to ensure the well being of the nation and its people.
They all knew that the current situation isn’t suitable to have a fund such as this, so why the stubbornous assertion? The railroading? Even the very name itself smacks of Marcosianism than that of Filipinism as one would say.