the musical weapons and aspirations of Lirio Salvador
the musical weapons and aspirations of Lirio Salvador
This writer was at UP Diliman when he went to a museum that featured a different kind of weapon.
In other words, the "weapons"shown are simply instruments made by a well known artist, named Lirio Salvador.
His life and labors of Sound and Steel
"Lirio Salvador’s works do not stand behind signs that impose: “Do Not Touch the Artwork.” Instead, his art entices the viewer to reach across the institutional wall that divides them just to pluck at the strings. Called ‘sculptural assemblages,’"
Quite nice so to read and hear about his works such as those made out of stainless steel. From forks to bicycle gears, clean draining springs and steel tubes, such artwork made by a former fine arts student seemed to be likely remind of futurist musicians during the early 20th century trying to experiment sound such as Russolo's Intonarumori or Theremin's Aerophone. But to Salvador himself he simply wanted to transform ordinary objects into a different work of art, and a different sound to create; that he himself said that:
"It's all about the merging of my native oriental culture and the present industrial environment that is slowly corrupting my native land".
Yes, that somehow Salvador's works were made in response to the present culture that is, slowly degenerating. And somehow he wanted a culture that is progressive yet organic, native yet modern in the eyes of everyone dares to engage with reality. In fact, since Salvador is against the idea of "not touching the artwork", some of the sandatas are connected to the amplifiers that could be turned on and off by the observer, so that they could hear what kind of sounds are produced as they touch the strings of the instrument. One of which is a crossbow-like "weapon" made out of steel springs and bicycle gears.
"The ingenuity lies in the unfinished nature of his works. In their capacity to accommodate more objects, more creative fusion, there is more gold to be made."
The exibhit also featured not just entirely musical instruments, there's even a "robot" that seemed made for curiosity. Obviously, these are made out of the same as the "Sandatas" being shown...
...That some would say that Salvador also like robotics the way he likes industrial music as he played and worked for it. After all, he has always been preoccupied with music and technology in his works.
Lirio Salvador, the maker of his Sandatas, needs everybody's help.
In a state of sleep, in a state of help
Last week, everyone in the art scene seemed to be dismayed, saddened as Liro Salvador was suffered in an accident in Dasmarinas Cavite.
This time in a state of coma after being hit in the head by a passing motorcycle near his abode, Salvador is in need of support from friends and colleagues from the art sector the way this exhibit was being shown in the Vargas museum. He was currently confined in the intensive care unit of the University Medical Center of La Salle Dasmariñas, Cavite. Last December 30, 2011, struggling to live despite in a state of sleep after a fatal accident that if not treated, cost his life. Rumors even said that some "Punk" colleagues even wanting revenge against the person behind the hitting.
The exhibit, according to Toni Antiporda of the Philippine Collegian, continued despite the accident, as every metal chrome sculptures line the white walls of the gallery, whilst its crowd swallows in a performance by Salvador's experimental sound group Elemento, all marveled at the seemingly elegant yet alien sounds made by metal grinding against metal regardless of being recycled out of things everyone usually seen...whether in the kitchen or in the garage.
The exhibit, according to Toni Antiporda of the Philippine Collegian, continued despite the accident, as every metal chrome sculptures line the white walls of the gallery, whilst its crowd swallows in a performance by Salvador's experimental sound group Elemento, all marveled at the seemingly elegant yet alien sounds made by metal grinding against metal regardless of being recycled out of things everyone usually seen...whether in the kitchen or in the garage.
"The aspect of performance also proves vital to the sandata experience," Antiporda added, "for these instruments have been designed to produce raw, coarse sounds of machines, electricity and amplification."
Such artistry both from the instrument and the sound, Salvador tries to create a homegrown futuristic experience the way Russolo or Theremin showed to the people before. Yes, to others may call it weird to see instruments made out of spoons, bicycle gears or springs; But, in the hands of every spectator, or any person sympathetically aligned with Salvador's vision, these metallic installations could produce a wide range of possibilities such as creating a new wave of unique artistry. But, as just as any weapon is rendered useless without the warrior, the Sandatas are not complete without the spectators’ participation, and perhaps the maker himself.
That somehow out of his dream of wanting a guitar to play music, lies a creation that perhaps pave way to a different kind of music that is, fun, free and rebellious to the ears of everyone.
Lirio Salvador needs your help, prayers and support in order to continue the unfinished work of his. The exibhit shown before was an example of support for his vision, and to those willing to help or seeing him in person, he may be visited from 9 - 11 am and 4 - 6pm at the University Medical Center, De La Salle Dasmariñas, Cavite.
* For Cash donations, please direct it to his wife, Mary Ann Jimenez-Salvador (Meanne).
She needs ALL the support we can give.
Lirio's wife Meanne's #: 0915 - 9032193
* For Cash donations via Bank (as per Lirio's wife, Meanne),
please deposit it at: BPI Family Bank (Fairview Branch-if teller asks for it),
Account name: Rodrigo Romero Account number: 6176 2043 44.
* Kindly keep the deposit slip with teller's validation and please contact Rodrigo (Jon) of your deposit.
Rodrigo Romero a.k.a. Jon Romero will post transparency records on this Facebook account.-- https://www.facebook.com/death.to.jon.romero
Rodrigo Romero a.k.a. Jon's #: 0927-6997809