Wednesday 31 October 2018

"All Hallows, all Saints, all Souls"

"All Hallows, all Saints, all Souls"

(A poem made for the days of the remembered and of the forgotten)

Let the candles light over the once forgotten graves
And let the scent of incense shatter the past maladies
With the cash from hell banks be burnt in furnaces
And fruit be offered as the candles and incenses
Let the brew be served from the hot cauldrons
Over the midnight sky under the full moon Trying to appease the spirits fallen past
If not the enchanted ones lurking or in gloom
And sacred chants and instrumentals accompany
Shattering the ever silent nights in chambers echoing
Pleasing all the beings seen and unseen
Bringing hope and good tidings
Of love over endless suffering
May they all be thy guides in life and in work
Making the living whose name's honor ever continuing
And in life to come hope together meet again
And cherish again the love ever yearning.