Tuesday 31 December 2019

"HARDER and at the same time EASIER for 2020"

"HARDER and at the same time EASIER for 2020"

(A New Year's Message)

"This year will be harder than last year. However, it will be easier than next year."

These are the words the late Enver spoke to the people of Albania in his new year's message last 1967. In his message would say that in that year comes existing and coming challenges that his country should ever face with and to overcome, all amidst the Cold War setting. 

However, for this person, would say that despite how this late statesman Hoxha expressed, that his message hath became relevant especially in a year that's called new. Sounds quite frankly yes, in knowing that this year will be harder and at the same time easier for every Filipino, as any other citizen to face and deal with- and like last year, expect price increases, low wages, extrajudicial acts, and various forms of injustices, or even calamities, all concede with new infrastructures, new laws, new ways to brag with, anything that made the Philippines, as any other country as it is. 

And how come this person said this? 2019 was like any other year, and since the administration hath reaped its victory during the midterm elections, those supporting Duterte would say that change as still ongoing through the ever-bragged series of infrastructure development courtesy of the "build build build" program, of subsidised healthcare and education, and a myriad of promises while trying to dispel facts like political scandals, extrajudicial killings, and various forms of harassments against those who are truly and really concerned, and the likes that both expressed hope, lament, and perhaps even anger and resistance. It is a hodgepodge of hope and angst as been seen throughout those times, all coming from their statements and comments from various individuals and communities- but it stems from a single premise: the realities that surrounds them, and the truths that's uncovered amidst lies and slander.

But regardless of these truths would say that the Filipino, in this year 2020 and other succeeding years shouldn't stop in seeking truth from facts and to expose, oppose the injustices, and to assert the need for social justice and genuine development, of bridging material, moral, and spiritual wealth to create an ever active living whole. 

Hope this year, as in last year and in the coming years should be a time to forge, mold, build, learn, sow, and reap against the order that hinders growth, development, and change as a nation.