Monday 27 April 2020

"Of using the Pandemic for an Orderist tendency"

"Of using the Pandemic for an Orderist tendency"

(Or: how the regime uses the Pandemic crisis
as pretext to broaden its rule, step up repressive policies)

As in the past, the order continues to broaden its rule using the pandemic as its situation.

That despite inadequate and inefficient measures the order still retains its crookedness such as in times of massive death and general uncertainty. It is unsurprising for no matter he recognise the efforts, of promising the folk of greater care, this doesn't mean he will give up his arrogance but rather utilising this kind of scenario to further consolidate and even extend this rotten rule while the rest as trying to battle both this pandemic threat and the imminent risk of poverty, unemployment, and hunger. 

What more that along with sanctioned legal maneuvers and increasing militarisation both in cities and in the countryside the regime is all but "business as usual", but this time it "has to be maximised by the fullest extent" be it "flatten the curve" or the much obvious "restoring peace and order". 

However, on the whole, the Philippines continues to suffer from the issues brought about by the order. No matter how the order tries to mitigate, its statements and its actions spoil the "efforts" or making the scenario an opportunity to push through their agenda whether to "flatten the curve", "restore peace and order", or "promote development.
For as the folk awaits changes in strategy to control this pandemic situation, plots and maneuvers in the bureaucracy ran aplenty such as "efforts to amend the constitution" to those of toying the idea to enforce martial law particularly on the basis of supposed "lawlessness" and "rebellion." The latter, despite being old news, continues to be a major issue for the order no matter it lacks in details yet still an alibi for the order "to save face" amidst an already embarrassing minsmanagement while grabbing more power for himself. It became pretext to step up military attacks in the countryside, police action in the cities, and a myriad of threats towards the opposition whether in actual or in social media. 

And to think that the order continues to rob the people of public funds by not channeling the presidential budget to health, social services, and in the sciences his "militarised" solution of lock downs has deprived the folk of incomes, means of livelihood, food, and public transport to any medical facility or their place of employment. Furthermore, the regime has not fulfilled the promise of providing food assistance to 18 million families, social compensation for wages lost, mass testing and treatment of patients for Covid-19 and other illnesses, and adequate compensation and protective gear for the health workers. The folk had to depend on charity from the private sector including those who take opportunity to make profits in connivance with state authorities.

But regardless of their statements and actions, the regime has no real intent to fight this pandemic but to advance its orderist agenda. For as in the past statements, having a regime crazed by power and greed has well-exposed its malice and evil character. That with his political allies in one hand and attack dogs on the other, this scheme of repression and disenfranchisement intensifies regardless of their denials and blamegames. 
This scheme somehow will continue with or without this pandemic; and that the Filipino folk will bear in their collective memory the months of Duterte's complacency and its ill consequences. But despite this negligence, and the myriad of attacks on human and civil rights of the folk the folk themselves will fight back all for accountability and justice.