Friday 24 July 2020

"When their tunes comes Poetry"

"When their tunes comes Poetry"

"Comrades, Forward!"
(inspired from the song "Freikorps Voran")

Comrades forward, the homeland burns
The country is at hell
Comrades froward, the homeland burns
Respond the people's call
Break our fears as hell broke loose
This is for us and land
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
Take the weapon to hand

Comrades forward, the homeland burns
There comes the enemy
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
There lies the anarchy
Let no "law" of their threaten us
Even lives is at stake
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
We'll take the future back

Comrades forward, the homeland burns
In farm, town, and city
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
Freedom meant victory
We don't fight for their scrap papers
Nor promises from theirs
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
We fight for a broken world

Comrades forward, the homeland burns
An end of their decrees
comrades forward, the homeland burns
Agreements meant decease
We are now entering a war
That we never wanted
Comrades forward, the homeland burns
This nation ain't be sold

"I am a Filipino"
(inspired from the poem made by Mahmoud Darwish)

I am a Filipino
Born of thy humble blood
Born in this humble land- of coconut groves, rice paddies, and mud
Usually depicted as happy in every work
Happy in the fields like those on the paintings
Depicting good harvests with songs and dances
Not knowing behind lies the pain
Of ever continuing past of exploiters and living carcasses

Robbed of my ancestor's ricefields
And of the resources given and cherished
By me and all my children
Nothing is left except pittances
And forcing to till under new masters
With unjust wages and slave-like conditions

While masters, both in the field and in the hall
Enjoying what their subjects toil
Their "help" is but crumbs or none as one say
Especially in a time of hunger, thirst, dismay
The decrees they imposed theirs called "just"
When in fact this meant blood in my back
The pain I endure is called "justice"
And the forced contentment, "hope"

Will the order take them too as reported?
Therefore, chat it over:
"I am a Filipino,
That I do not hate people nor assault anyone
But, if I get hungry
Expect me not demand but attack
Expect me and others to attack and burn
Taking over the crops, the products of hardship
I don't care the law and its repercussions
Of prison cells, shallow graves and others
Brought about by an interest-seeking order
The decrees that "speaks about us" are nothing but toilet paper"

Beware exploiters! 
I am a Filipino,
Beware of my hunger, and of my anger!

"Who carries the bright scarlet flag?"
(Inspired from the song "Wer trägt die Schwarze Fahne")

Who carries the bright scarlet flag through mountains and the farmland?
These are the peasants been long oppressed with plough and sickle in hand,
They wish'd for a land to till to live, for theirs it is their right,
But with the order pointing against them- all willing to fight and die!

So lift the flag and fly, 
The scarlet flag till we die
For so long the system against us
The scarlet flag proudly flies

Who carries the bright scarlet flag in those vibrant streets?
The workers coming from factories whose wages less of their feat?
The last time they demand for their just yet the order points against them,
This time their marches the banner flies against order and capital!

Who carries the bright scarlet flag in this oppressed nation?
Whose people willing to break the chains and fight for the revolution?
Are they willing to fight this today against this reaction,
For the wheels of hist'ry befelled on them in this goddamned nation!

"The scarlet sails are now rising"
(inspired from "Mars van het Vlaams legionen")

The scarlet sails are now rising
Over the deep blue sea
Guided by the bright maroon star
Towards thy liberty
The struggle against the dark waves
Adventure as may see
The coming ages shall hear us
To arms! to arms!
To arms for land, liberty!

Come join with us my beloved
Let's sail this sea to freedom
Fighting the waves casting gains't us
For freedom and justice at must

No matter the risk is toward us
Still the urge remains strong
Even if the tyrants slander us
Still the desire ain't be wrong
This homeland is like a vast sea
Of masses whose hopes been yearning
Till reaches the goddamn throne
To arms! To arms!
A ram banging at their door!

Come join with us my beloved
Let's sail this sea to freedom
Fighting the waves casting gains't us
For freedom and justice at must