Wednesday 6 April 2022

Two poems for April

Two poems for April

“Still a sad state of freedom: Thoughts after Hikmet”

There are times those people on high talk about freedom
As if it is the most precious idea they've wanted
They talk about love of country and of people
Thinking those words are really coveted
They did wave the flag, dress their garb, or even use the local tongue 
But deep inside these are empty moves and phrases appeasing folks as easy to done
Especially during holidays creating various feats
But one day for example, as they endorse whether to China or America
Only to end like using Hikmet's words:
"and you too, with your great freedom-
You have the freedom to have loans or become a military base."

They would talk through and through those words
Trying to appease people of various sorts
Be it the learned burgis to the swarthy masa
Those words as if uplifting despite chains continue rattling
Yes, chains bound by the same people claiming to be patriots
When in fact vassals of imperialists
and a monster called "capital".

Pardon for the thought for as everybody yearns
Those words being preached, continue to ring our ears
We wished to cry freedom not as a mere phrase but as a feeling
Especially in a time when the order have the freedom to exploit our lives and resources
All for their entrenched interests near and far
They are all free to arrest nor imprison us
Or killed in the name of "freedom"- all for capital's sake.

I doubt that kind of freedom if that's the case, 
The freedom under the present order how bullshit that kind of phrase
Yes we are indeed free in the words brought by law
But reality may become otherwise as the order sees it
We are all free as Hikmet said.
"But this kind of freedom," he added, "is a sad affair under the stars."

“A Letter to Patricia”

My dear, darling Patricia:
You ask what am I doing?

I am admiring the urban landscape
All despite the rain
Seeing the modern buildings
While people waiting for the passing train
Trying to normalise things
Despite this dreaded pandemic
Only to be treated by politicians
As part of their rhetoric
I am here in my room typing at my laptop
If not reading reports about elections
Pink, Red, Blue, various colours enough for a hang-up
I leaf the pages of the books, notes calling for revolution
And from their hopeful phrases words of consolation

It is summer in Manila now
Although sometimes drizzled with rain, heat prevails
And trying to cool off by the air conditioned breeze
Reality be like marred by the bullshitries
Such as paycuts in salaries
How difficult life this pandemic
To think "working from home is good"
Yes indeed but for some exploiters
An opportunity to exploit us for a pittance
Either paycuts or floating status
Using this situation as an alibi

Recently I hear news about "returning to workplaces"
As ordered by the finance department
They even use small businesses and "returning to normal" as alibis
If not threatening work-from-home business with removing tax and other privileges
What a gaslighting statement then as I hear those reports
Especially when the secretary said "he was appreciative about their contribution"
And yet he denied requests to extent their remote-work arrangements
If not telling "they should be situated in an economic zone"
What more of removing their tax holidays
And 5% tax on gross income. 

If not hearing news making a promise a system's toy:
An agrarian reform program turned into a counterinsurgency ploy?
They even turned down calls to raise the living wage
While favouring a four-day workweek, 10 hours enough for a rage
I am not surprised for as any other campaign promise
For under the rotten system it becomes a malice
The fact that his promise of change ain't true for under a wretched order
That we who are concerned anytime we'll face the slaughter
Sorry for the thought but reality keeps us worrier
Be it crisis, or the bullshits, all from a wretched order

And sometimes I wonder, is it really recovering these days?
Or just giving us some semblance of fresh air then shutting it out afterwards?
Of course they speak about recovery, with words such as "better normal"
But under this repressive order will there be hope in an imperialist's vassal?
Well, since they talk about easing restrictions, expect more protests
Expect spontaneous actions, battling the order and its pests
Not surprised if in response there will be countless arrests
But still we'll burn that devil, his horde, and even their nest!

Pardon if my thoughts gone political
For at first you’re asking me how am I
For the fact that the situation’s gone critical
Why should a concerned I deny?
Until when the crisis prevails
Or will hopes be end as mere tales
Such bullshitries than “change” continue to seen
All from the tyrant and his horde so mean

But I hope flowers of various sorts will blossom still
The way our aspirations will always prevail.
The way I admire the landscape
Trying to create a future where everyone "all as well"
Perhaps so long as the order is trying to create hell
We together will destroy them the way this homeland's past did tell