Monday, 23 May 2022
"Let them rejoice after claiming they've won"
Thursday, 12 May 2022
"Vivere Pericoloso" indeed.
They would repeatedly glorify the past right or wrong, as achievements like Cultural Center Complex, Heart Center, and other showcase of development downplays the atrocities against the opposition and the likes- that even the banning of "Voltes Five" or closing down video arcades means promoting discipline and curbing down violence and delinquency!
Meanwhile, China followed the "acknowledgement" of Marcos-Duterte victory, that according to Xi Jinping in his letter, that both China and the Philippines are “at a critical stage of development, posing important opportunities and broad prospects for our bilateral relations.”, as he is ready to build a “good working relationship” with the new president. Not surprising especially that Marcos has been vague about his foreign policy goals, although in interviews he has stated that he wants to strengthen ties with China, which includes overturning a 2016 verdict by a tribunal in The Hague that invalidated almost all of China's historical claims to the South China Sea, and even positively said Duterte’s policy of diplomatic engagement with China as “really our only option.”
For sure one would never forget how housing projects being treated as a façade, a propaganda with empty insides and be abandoned except for some crumbs for people to live in. It only took a group of homeless folks to occupy abandoned lots not just to live in it but to expose the corruption and the failure to create a sound housing policy while demolishing urban poor communities to benefit that of the "haves." People also cannot forgot how farmers disagreed with the passage of the Rice Tariffication law as it benefited smugglers while planted the seeds to many problems, like starvation and indebtedness, while retail prices remained elevated for poor consumers. And people will never forgive those who kill innocents or outspoken whether in the name of "drug war", "counterinsurgency", or any other catastrophe brought about by the order.
Especially for a nation under siege, and a people whose order want to destroy, the nation has to keep its head above the ocean of degradation from local and international reaction, requiring a revolution that must save a nation's body and spirit from attacks from every direction: from within, without, any direction. And now as people sought Marcos and Duterte victorious, then this must be a test- as foreign overlords, the local reaction altogether barking, hooting, screaming! But the struggle must go on regardless of their barks and threats, "even the coward can fight" as one quote say, as many who "seek truth from facts" will make the way.
Call it "a continuity of what happened in 86", for contrary to what apologists said, the struggle for a national rebirth continues. It did happen in Pugad Lawin, in the mountains of Sierra Madre and Cordillera, in the countryside of Southern Tagalog and Bicolandia, even in EDSA and Mendiola. The struggle for national rebirth continues when people trying to learn about a nation's history and society, its hardship, of being vassal to foreign overlords and its domestic vassals; but until when people will just stay put as policemen start to raise their batons against folks who demand justice? Recently these policemen beat folks near the Commission on Human Rights in Diliman- and apologists clapped their hands as they want to see rallyists beaten down in the name of "order". But again, the struggle goes on.
But how? People must take lessons from past experiences, determine the direction for the future. Past experiences, no matter how bitter it was, must inspire the people to set new and right directions for the future. Never once in a bitter experience can break a nation-have a heart, for a bitter experience can become a motivation, all to make corrections and to set the right path, and press forward on that right path! A struggle can become violent, no matter it appears to be peaceful, for the flames of struggle resorts them to cry freedom and willing to die if possible. If people do not carry the flames, of notion of romance, then no struggle can become strong. No struggle can defend its soul if people cannot accept every attack and repelling it as a "romance" of struggle. No struggle can keep its head up if its people are not ready, or unwilling to carry out the necessary sacrifices; but with their heads held high and smiling, they're all willing to face the consequences just because they consider their sacrifices a romance of the struggle. Danton went to the guillotine with a sense of romance, Rizal went to Bagumbayan to be shot with a sense of romance, Russian fighters strongly defended Stalingrad against the enemy with a sense of romance, People of China in did subdue the river Yangtse with a sense of romance.
And now in this period when 6 years of injustice is continued with another 6 years of that same word would make one not just to reflect, but to renew. After all, will everyone just "move on" after the recent defeat of Leni Robredo or Leodegario de Guzman? Nope, certainly not, but instead they will move forward by fighting on. Call it a dangerous task especially as protests end responded by beatings from riot police and heckles from the administration's apologists, but still that "flame", that "romance" keeps these concerned folks fighting no matter what the regime is trying to "control" the situation. Otherwise, people may end contented to their so-called "happiness"- but devoid of hopes and aspirations such as for a country yearning to be free and abide by principles.
That somehow reminds of Tandang Basio Macunat by Fray Miguel Lucio Bustamante argues that education and urbanity is undesirable to the 'Indios as it would mean rebelling against god and the king, or in the case of Prospero, arrogance and hedonism; but instead better to remain in the farms like Basio and contented in their lives. For the friar maybe he thinks that "Indios" were well-contented and happy in their "natural setting" (such as that of being a sharecropper in the farm) even tho they're exploited whether by corvee labour, tribute, or by increased taxes. If to use Bustamante's work, will that "Indio" who's longing to be free and have a true sense of happiness remain contented? No wonder why the work of Balagtas did inspire the folk and its yearning for freedom that until today continues to resonate as that of Rizal and others- while Bustamante's work becomes a challenge as his message urges the folk to take the contrary to his view of contentment, but instead, struggle as words like "love", "hope", becomes flames that drives one to break away from subjugation and into freedom with a true purusit of happiness.
Yes, expect outcomes like this recent thermidor led by Marcos and his camarilla. But expect protests that would show popular opposition to that another 6 years of discontent and rage. Whether in streets or in social media, popular discontent over the coming regime is more than just "trying to show Democracy is still alive", but, "to show that the folk have enough of their nonsense." It did happen in EDSA when the concerned exposed the Marcoses and its bullshitry brought since 1972 and its "new society", what more today when Marcos, together with Duterte and its allies "calling for unity" when in fact demanding conformity into their distorted view. Words like "Economic Emancipation", "Political Liberation", "Revolt of the Poor", and other terms borne out of "Constitutional Authoritarianism" and "revolution from the center" are but shallow phrases meant to snare people by the order- but at the same time phrases that ought to be taken back by the people whose romance of struggle drives them to fight and fight again in this dangerous times.
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
The demand for accountability than "moving on" after elections
than simply "moving on" after elections
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Thoughts on the recent 2022 election results (and how concerned folks disagreed in it)
Thoughts on the recent 2022 election results
(and how concerned folks disagreed in it)
Contrary to the official statements from government sources, it seems that the "peaceful" and "orderly" elections are tainted by scandals. For as the Marcos-Duterte duo, in collusion with those from the Commission on Elections (COMELEC), are manipulating the 2022 elections right before the people.
As shown by recent reports, of malfunctioned machines to that of vote buying sprees, this bullshitry brought by the duo is being carried out brazenly and supported by its apologists to justify the return of the Marcoses to power.
However, such bullshitries ain't accepted by many. Except for a few who chose to concede, people demand for the truth. The almost nightly mass demonstrations across the country showed that Filipinos demand transparency for the elections, if not expressing how their bet, that of Leni Robredo and Kiko Pangilinan are the real winners of the election.
Especially after the recent junking of the remaining disqualification charges by the COMELEC, the great number of people further expressed outrage, that along with thousands of malfunctioned voting machines, vote buying incidents, preshaded ballots, to that of harassing people, the biggest steal, Thus, a great number of people are justified in their outrage against the Comelec over the thousands of malfunctioned vote counting machines. The bigger steal, however, was carried out by the Duterte-appointed Comelec preprogramming of the Smartmatic vote counting machines that shaved and padded votes in favor of that Marcos-Duterte 'uniteam'.
Such bullshitries ain't a proof of peaceful and orderly elections. With Duterte appointees in the COMELEC, Dennis Uy for logistics, or even Imee Marcos as chairwoman of "Senate Committee on Electoral Reforms", isn't it undeniable such first impression that an opportunity to turn votes into their favour may happen? What more that since votes are automated chances of manipulation courtesy of some programmers may happen till enough to appear that Marcos won by a "wide margin" with apologists claiming it to be a "landslide victory" over their detested Robredo!
Friday, 6 May 2022
"Hopefully, that even ain't 'one last time'"
(Thoughts after the recent miting de Avance in Makati City)
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Source: Manila Bulletin |
Need not to explain further, but that Saturday's event is somehow more than just promoting a presidential candidate, but rather a time for at least to enjoy ”one last time”.
That from seeing pink banners to that of participants themselves chanting and singing songs, the concert-like atmosphere is both protest and fiesta, maybe because of the majority having a long overdue of wanting to attend supposed events, that of December's Paskuhan in the University of Santo Tomas, if not the Lantern Parade or the week long February fair in the University of the Philippines. Sorry for the thought but since during the pandemic-marred years these events were stopped altogether making frivolities either restricted or just simply not celebrated.
But since the government did least trying to provide some “semblance of normalcy” for the coming elections, it is not surprising that wave after wave of actions been shown just to express opposition to the current regime not just to rally behind the person who promised to fulfill their hopes such as Leni Robredo. Yes, wave after wave of actions that despite spited by trolls and government apologists shows a growing mass of people having enough of half-baked solutions, of institutional gaslighting, including that of shallow “unity” that’s being expressed by the other side. Other “opposition” candidates did even joined in that spiting, cussing Robredo for the people adored her so much with all her immediate actions and the like. Isn't it that amazing? From this no wonder the one whom they dismissed all for goddamned sakes remained stronger than ever- all thanks to the people who had enough of those bullshitry.
Why did this writer express this? For from those actions shows no matter how fiesta-like with all the music and art, are all intertwined with expressions of anger, despair, and a yearning for change- and this can become a wave that can topple the order and its soiled desires. It did happen at 86, as well as in 01, and therefore the order is trying "best" to control the situation by any means. It did even counter theirs with their concerts, or even wall paintings just to prove "they have the artist-supporters", and yet to be honest has no community spirit that's been shown by these pink-clad crowds they criticised.
But despite threats that trying to overshadow this atmosphere, this writer hopes that the event is not meant to be “one last time” before windows and doors again closed down "in the name of community quarantine" or whatsoever just to justify their brand of "order", but of a start when everyone has the right to go out safely into their jobs, businesses, all to a renewed, improved life.
Sunday, 1 May 2022
"Still, there's a world to win."
"Still, there's a world to win."
(A message for the International Worker's Day)
by Kat Ulrike
Warm, Patriotic greetings.
This note greets the labouring folk in commemorating the First of May, the International Worker's Day. From this occasion shows that amidst this continuing crisis and worsening forms of exploitation that the labouring people will rise and resist against oppression all across the world.
By looking back and be inspired by the history of working class resistance, that from these people, the so-called "sons of sweat", "sons of toil", all being called as "makers of history" has showed numerous contributions, endured hardships, and spurned forms of action, all from the uprisings in Europe to the Revolutions in Asia, in a desire to free from the clutches of repression and injustice as well as establish a just society that unjust established orders feared about.