Sunday 1 May 2022

"Still, there's a world to win."

"Still, there's a world to win."

(A message for the International Worker's Day)

by Kat Ulrike

Warm, Patriotic greetings.

This note greets the labouring folk in commemorating the First of May, the International Worker's Day. From this occasion shows that amidst this continuing crisis and worsening forms of exploitation that the labouring people will rise and resist against oppression all across the world.

By looking back and be inspired by the history of working class resistance, that from these people, the so-called "sons of sweat", "sons of toil", all being called as "makers of history" has showed numerous contributions, endured hardships, and spurned forms of action, all from the uprisings in Europe to the Revolutions in Asia, in a desire to free from the clutches of repression and injustice as well as establish a just society that unjust established orders feared about.

At this present time would say that the socioeconomic crisis has continue to worsen the labouring people around the world. In Sri Lanka for instance, the deepening economic crisis and its mishandling by their government has steered people widespread anger as shortages of food, fuel, and other essentials continue to worsen them. Or in Ukraine, wherein the contradiction between imperialists over spheres of influence and control created a proxy war over that disputed land.
But how about the Philippines? For due to the COVID19 pandemic like those of other countries, unemployment remains an issue even with last year's decline. That insufficient subsidies for the unemployed, along with insufficient wages, contractualisation, and repression towards workers and unions by management in connivance with state authorities remains top issues regarding the state of the country's working class- all alongside corruption, rising national debt, unjust socioeconomic policies, and a still agrarian unrest. These realities shows the truth that's way contrary to what Duterte said about: that his administration "committed to providing the people with opportunities." 

But regardless of the challenges, that the working masses have seriously and militantly expressed the need for genuine social justice even to the extent of the need to seize political power by any means. For sure apologists of the order would downplay that truth such as a growing worker's dismay and anger towards the repression and injustice brought by those assuming to be "for progress and development" or claiming to be "providing people with opportunities", but that anger brought from these blunt realities is more than just demanding a just wage, good benefits, or better workplaces; but for a desire for "another world" that's possible. And at every opportunity words like "arouse, organise, and mobilise" are to be taken seriously as to strengthen genuine unity amongst workers and other oppressed sectors in its struggle of social and national liberation. Again, the order and its apologists may find ways to downplay this as shown in social media sites, but this failed to extinguish the truth that the crisis and the repression brought by the order has brought unity to those who worked for long hours in their entire lives all for a measly pay.
For as shown by recent events, oppressed and exploited masses are rising up in defiance of their respective oppressive orders all to fight for their class interests. As Unions, Mass Organisations, and other concerned groups increasingly organised in every workplace or community, actions ranging from community pantries to that of strikes and other mass actions to demand better wage increases, just benefits, and better working conditions clearly shows that the desire for a "comfortable life for all" is not based on the paper/or half-hearted promises of the current government nor its rabid apologists. 

Again, another world is possible for the laboring people. 
The people have nothing to lose except chains, surely there will be a world to win.