Sunday 30 October 2022

Keep firmly the light in this time of darkness

Keep firmly the light in this time of darkness
A message for all hallows, all saints, and all souls 

Warm greetings. 

As a nation, these significant holidays serve as a reminder that "life is short" and that we must spend it wisely in these rapidly changing times. 

As with the lives of loved ones who have passed, the lives of saints and martyrs serve as examples of how to live principledly as time passes. For as this centuries-old tradition of honouring loved ones with all of their virtuous lives, with all of the cherished memories, this note should say that this is more than just pray or reflect, but to continue to carry the light—that of their contribution to life, family, and community.

There will undoubtedly be those who say "move on," especially after tragic events such as the pandemic, "drug war," or any other conflict that has left thousands of innocents and those who have died for their principles. But reality forces the people to accept the fight and fight on in order to move forward with the lessons learned from such tragic events and inconvenient truths. The lessons this nation learns, no matter how difficult they are, reinforce its own foundations as it struggles to keep up with the times, forging what more to compel in living with genuine love and compassion. 

And like the candles being lit in thy graves, let the concerned continue to firmly carry on the light that is, to shatter darkness.