Saturday 24 December 2022

“A Christmas message”

“A Christmas message”

This christmas, Filipinos should bring to mind again the true spirit of this season- and this is more than just the material gifts nor the mouthwatering food one could enjoy. That the reason to enjoy is to give, even one’s self to the others as Christ did during his life on earth. His example would say that let people try their best to ensure the wellbeing and happiness of every folk that makes truly happy. 

Especially that as people trying their best to recover from the pandemic, of hearing scandals of various sorts, this note is ought to say that despite these challenges comes renewing a day of dedication of thoughts and efforts to the task of bringing about a better life to ome’s self, family, and community. Yet how? particularly in this period of crisis and anxiety? It becomes the responsibility of the people to seek the truth from facts, to stand up and assert what is right and just, to share with those in need, and to resist against oppression, just as the Angel told Mary about the messiah who will "cast down the mighty and has lifted up the humble, and filled the hungry with good things while the rich end sent away empty" in the Magnificat. 
That is what the Angel told Mary about the Messiah, and that Messiah is his son, Jesus Christ, who was born in a simple manger on this holy day. Call it a politically charged radical message, but that is what the Angel said.

To cut this note short, this event needs to reignite the reason to celebrate. That in addition to expressing love and joy during this season, every home and community must impart wisdom and inspire hope as to value the meaning behind every gift being shared. May this nation, like Christ who brought good news and peace, spark hope for a more positive, just, and peaceful future.