Thursday 20 April 2023

“A nation unfree shall never be at peace.”

“A nation unfree shall never be at peace.”

 Those who are truly concerned are by themselves driven by an act of love. For with all their knowledge, talent, and dedication, one would say that their love of country and people is itself provided lights and guides to the present and future generations, all despite the risks that they endure, and even at the expense of their lives.

But despite their sacrifices this doesn’t stop the people from becoming aware of the realities making themselves obliged to rise and fight. True it may be that those who are against the concerned, the patriotic, the one who’s driven by the will to resist and thus partake the bitter cup of sacrifice are now rejoicing. They think that they have pacified the country by all means. They think that they have purchased half of the people and intimidated the other half. Sorry to rephrase Pearse but this reflects the current condition. Why? The sacrifices of those truly concerned showed that the country and its people should seek truth from facts, that behind the “progress” and “development” that’s blabbered is the poverty that everyone felt and endured. 

 Will a worker just mum after receiving a wage of 11000 pesos in the face of rising commodities and fare hikes? Will a coconut farmer just kept silent after having 15 peso after selling a sack of copra? Will a loved one just stay quiet after their special someone harassed or killed after accused of a crime that’s not been committed or by simply expressing their disgust against an order that’s decadent? Such realities contradicts the press releases claiming that the country geared towards development. The roads, the bridges, the skyscrapers, the debt driven growth doesn’t stop the fact that the country remains in squalor making these affected farmers, workers, and various concerned folks able to rise up and fight for this. 

 Yes, the order think that they have foreseen everything, think that they have provided against everything; how foolish then despite snaring each and every one by claiming they’re defending the country. But the realities that lead them to resist are there. They may partake the bitter cup of sacrifice if necessary just because they stand with the truth, justice, and freedom for a nation that’s in dire need of redemption. 

There may be heroes, or martyrs all because of a country’s love- and since there is, then while this nation holds these graves, to rephrase Pearse, a nation that’s unfree shall never be at peace.