Monday 9 September 2024

"On the Fall of False Shepherds"

 "On the Fall of False Shepherds"

In this moment, people must reflect upon the grave and instructive fall of Apollo Quiboloy, who, with audacious claims, declared himself the “Son of God” and the “Owner of the World.” His recent downfall, marked by an end as devoid of miraculous intervention as any secular scandal, calls for an earnest contemplation.

On a recent Sunday, this self-proclaimed divine being was apprehended in the opulence of his Davao estate after an extensive and unwavering pursuit by civil authorities. Despite his boastful assurances of divine protection and influential allies, the stark reality has emerged: no celestial force intervened to shield him. Instead, he was apprehended by the law, which operates with an impartiality that none can escape.

In the dead of night, Apollo Quiboloy was transported under police custody to Quezon City, a scene far removed from his earlier grandiose claims of divine authority. The release of his mug shots by Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos Jr., depicting him in an orange prison uniform with a placard indicating charges under the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, starkly contrasts with the divine veneer he once projected.

For sure everyone are reminded of the Holy Scriptures, which proclaim, “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light” (Luke 8:17). This truth finds application in Quiboloy’s situation, as his pretensions have been laid bare, revealing the emptiness behind his claims.

It is to be anticipated that Quiboloy’s adherents may seek to mitigate the gravity of his predicament by likening his suffering to that of Christ or suggesting political motives behind his prosecution. Nevertheless, as we are instructed in the Scriptures, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). 

Furthermore, it is hardly surprising that the former President Duterte, who has long been a steward of Quiboloy's vast holdings, would exhibit such apparent friendship to that preacher. However, that same former leader's "hands-off" approach has done little to shield his friend and spiritual adviser from the unforgiving reach of the law. Despite decades of purported alliance and protection, the relentless force of justice has dispensed with any pretense of immunity, underscoring the limitations of political patronage.

Also consider the gravity of being indicted for offenses as severe as conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking, the trafficking of minors, and the smuggling of bulk cash. These are the dire charges that have led the Federal Bureau of Investigation to list Apollo Quiboloy as one of its most-wanted individuals. Moreover, he faces accusations under the Republic Act 7610, known as the Anti-Child Abuse Law, particularly for sexual abuse and maltreatment of minors. As it is written, “Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression” (Isaiah 10:1).

Such circumstances compel one to ask: Can one truly claim divine status while engaging in such grievous acts? The Scriptures remind us, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15). Apollo Quiboloy, in his masquerade as the “appointed son of God,” the "owner of the world", or the "owner of the earth", or even the "champion of the world" has exploited the vulnerability of the faithful, enriching himself at their expense.

His actions reveal a pattern of domination through fear and intimidation, expelling those who dare to challenge him. If he regards himself as a deity, we must question the nature of such a “god”—one who is not only foolish but profoundly self-serving. As it is written, “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). His exploitation of others’ desperation, while offering a false sense of hope, is a reflection of this very truth.

Let this moment be a call for the faithful to discern true virtue from falsehood and to uphold righteousness that genuinely uplifts and serves others. May this note, as part of pursuit of justice and truth, always seek to reflect the light of Christ, who calls us to “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12).

In Christ's Peace,