Monday 31 December 2018

"Still, for a new year full of hope despite same persons and yesterday's tasks and mistakes"

""Still, for a new year full of hope
despite same persons and yesterday's tasks and mistakes""

(A new year's message)

At first, this writer, on behalf of this page, wishes the reader a promising new year.

Bluntly speaking, 2019 will be as same as last and other past years. For despite listening to various testaments which are full of colour and of hope, reality goes the contrary: for everyday sees of hunger and despair, of widespread poverty and tricked-down welfare, it is worth to say that this post wishes for their welfare, freedom, justice, and happiness.

There will be numerous feats and shortcomings of various sorts, successes and failures of various kinds, anything gamechanging or continuing, what more that everyone, including this writer will age in that year, some sooner, some later. And for sure that year will bring everyone much labor and worry,  what more that there will be more tasks and prospects and even backlogs meant to be finished.

Sorry for the message being too true unlike the others, and to think that people with various new year's resolutions been promised like past years, most of which are rather likely not to be taken through; what more that there are same old problems that the order failed to address and being passed to another, thus brewing new antagonisms alongside the old.

Hope this 2019, like last year, make everyone answer these questions: 'Do' or 'will' they carry on in their tasks and prospects in every work and life? 'Do' or 'will' they rectify past mistakes and reaffirm some basic principles in life? Sounds political isn't it, but these questions are often faced as one be able to strive for the better if not for the best, struggle in an arduous march of real life, and to live for another day as already an achievement.

Anyway, expect more testaments to come and more events to happen. And like last year, same old faces prevail along with new ones; expect mistakes of various kinds likely to happen, and so are the principles, tasks, prospects, and hopes being carried, passed, and to be realised through especially in this tumultuous times.

Again, have a promising new year. С Новым годом!