Wednesday 9 January 2019

"Of 'Fierce Devotion' as prequel to a 'Coming Action'"

"Of 'Fierce Devotion' as prequel to a 'Coming Action'"

(Notes after the yearly procession of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo)

Source: Rappler

Every year on January 9, millions of Filipinos gather in Manila for the procession of the Black Nazarene, a life-sized statue of the suffering Christ, along a long route from Rizal Park to its Basilica Minore in Quiapo.

As any other major religious festivity, attendance hath grown remarkably through the years, and at times the route hath been stretched to accommodate growing crowds: and most of these consider this Black Nazarene to be miraculous, able to heal the sick, grant petitions, and even pardon the sinful (hence, "Lord of Pardon" according to some of the adherent's shirts shown).

However, this event doesn't limit to the procession and it's jampacked setting sometimes marred by minor tragedies and near-fistfights. In every street, it is filled with singing, dancing, and even beer/liquor drinking up to the wee hours of the morning while in the churches inspirational talks encourage the wayward to turn from bad habits and being in one with Christ. Strange isn't it? As this writer seeing both the holy and the sinful side by side in that occasion.

And to think that despite criticism from non-Catholic Christians to those of apathetics alike describing their actions as idolatry to those of littering and disorder, if not hypocrisy, these adherents, no matter how sinful they are as individuals, been trying to seek ways to forgive and be pardoned by the Lord through the Black Nazarene itself, eager to reach the image either by touching or wiping the cross or foot with a cloth, thinking that it saidth to bring healing or luck; while others tend to bring copies of the Nazarene statue-some quite large and venerated, but doesn't draw the same level of frenzy as the statue itself being pulled and reached by many.

Yet citing that criticism made this concerned internally ask: does these adherents changed their ways? That are they really seeking guidance to recover for their misdeeds as Christians? As this person traverse the streets and reading the news what he sought was the adherent's expression of fierce devotion to the faith, and with that expression they end stubborn as they trying to grab the rope or to reach the statue just to touch its foot or hand if not to wipe it with a towel; and from that stubbornness comes almost scuffles; otherwise, like any other occassion some taketh it as an opportunity to "have fun" as any other fiesta- and even intoxicated either with beer or hard liquor, enough to disregard the solemnity of the event as a time to repent, forgive, and reflect.

And in speaking of that fierce devotion, this person, citing an old note from Gerardo Lanuza, stated that there is more than just an expression but also a "training" as one has to endure both body and soul in a coming battle. In fact, from the expression of the image itself shows the Christ who fought the ruling class composed of Roman Empire and the religious oppressors and clerico-fascists; he is also the same Christ who did turned water into wine, multiplied loaves of bread and fishes, healed the sick and revived the dead; and the people, especially those who are the poor and the needy who wished to feel a speck of hope through the Nazarene, feel that the man called Christ leads them in a so-called "fight against the order they consider as "unjust" and "repressive".

Anyway, despite all these, devotion to the Black Nazarene continues to grow strong especially amongst the poor and of the needy. And at some time even politicians, sports, and showbiz personages add flavor that appearth themselves as holier as the commoner; but, come to think of this:  with all its qualities of suffering, patience, and fervor, the ritual of the vigil procession enacts the sufferings and patience of the Filipino people- and History attests that fact that the Nazarene culturally represents the devotion of the Filipinos, the question is: are they for spiritual guidance or for the sake of a stroke of luck?

Again, they have to endure the pain, but for a concerned, that ordeal is a challenge for a faithful, whose devotion is a prequel for a coming action, all for the kingdom come.