Wednesday 20 January 2021

"Biden won, but does it really mean hope for the American people?"

"Biden won, but does it really mean hope for the American people?"

From his inauguration as president of the United States, Joe Biden takes over the reins of this "most powerful imperialist state" in the world. Using the promise of unity and recovery, the United States and the global capitalist order, still reeling from crisis and recessions, is trying to consolidate its interests and expand hegemony. 

For since day one, Biden has already been able to demonstrate that he will reverse the policies undid by Trump- but thus doesn’t benefit the people except those clinging to interests, making him worse especially for the Third World, than those of his predecessor.

That in a matter of hours, the newly elected president resurrected that terrible Transpacific Agreement, which was torn up by Trump, which includes ultra-liberal content that will affect industries in various countries around the world. 

Not satisfied, Biden reversed Trump's project of a troop withdrawal from Iraq. After all, Biden was one of the greatest defenders of the invasion of Iraq and he intends the U.S. occupation of the region to become permanent. He also demonstrated what he intends for Syria through an American military train invested in the north-east of Syria and an Israeli attack that killed 4 people in the country.

And along with his cabal that tends to expand and upheld an Atlanticist agenda, Biden can possibly scrap Trump’s efforts in building relations with North Korea, and promised to recognize Juan Guaidó's fictional ′′government′′ with a pledge to restore ′′democracy′′ in Venezuela.

With regard to Trump's many mistakes (involving Iran, China, Latin America, Israel, Yemen, etc. ), everything indicates that Biden will follow the same path. There is little chance of an understanding with Iran, and everything indicates that sinophobia will remain part of the official US government address-and is set to continue and intensify US aggressive military action in the South and East China Seas to counter China’s expanding military strength. It will continue to strengthen its influence and power in the Middle East to control oil resources. The desire of the US to penetrate the European oil market will come into conflict with Russia which supplies a large part of natural oil to Germany and other countries.
But compared to Trump's mistakes, Biden will add up to the mistakes of Reagan, Bush sr., Clinton, Bush jr. and Obama. Russia will again be enemy number 1. North Korea will again be under a more closed siege. If Trump didn't end any of the wars of his predecessors and kept bombing the countries invaded by them (although not to the same extent), it all indicates that Biden would open new fronts to consolidate further interests, and branded as “American world leadership”—a euphemism for U.S. global hegemonism. With this kind of aim, however, has to confront the reality of a multipolar world with China as a rising economic and geopolitical power.

All these actions happened in less than 24 hours. With flattering journalists asking Biden if he “would unite the country",  these were completely ignored. It is not surprising that he ignored the question, as the regime faces the heightening struggle of the American working class and people to defend their economic and political rights. That in a time of prevailing pandemic crisis and trying to "undo" the problems brought by the former Trump administration, it will be under pressure to "take seriously the promises" and respond to the growing clamor for jobs, wage increases, better working conditions, and expansion of state guarantees; as well as racial justice and an end to xenophobia, bigotry, police brutality and militarization of law enforcement.
And to think that the "American World Leadership" has meant aiming to revive its goal for hegemony in the face of growing tensions with a rising China, expect the Biden regime trying to curry favour with other vassal countries "in the name of defending democracy" when in fact trying to consolidate interests in connivance with its local allies. In the Philippines, the Duterte regime, known for being supportive of the former Trump administration, has trying to curry favour this time despite the fact that allies within the Biden administration opposed Duterte's domestic policies, while at the same time seeing others also within Biden's circle wanting opportunity to offer Duterte military assistance as the latter desperately need for support in its "war on drugs" and "counterinsurgency"- if not seeking for U.S.-made vaccines especially in a time people criticising those manufactured in China.

With these turn of events, one would say that the American folk as well as others doesn't stop from being concerned. Yes, Biden won the presidency with all the promises he said enough to counter Trump's, but does it mean will undo the injustices both domestic and international while at the same time consolidating its interests?

Perhaps "wait and see" is the answer for today.