Sunday 17 January 2021

"In defence of their Institution, Instruction, and Dissent."

"In defence of their Institution, Instruction, and Dissent."

(Or: "Thoughts after the recent scrapping of the UP-DND Agreement)

At first, this note joins the University of the Philippines community in denouncing the statement brought by Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana for unilaterally abrogating the 1989 UP-DND agreement and other earlier pacts like the Soto-Enrile Accord. This move to abrogate agreements clearly wanted to sow fear with the University be under the control of armed state elements. 

This unilateral gesture, justified on the basis of "defending the community against lawless elements", is actually a move against an institution known for promoting critical thinking, progressive instruction, and academic freedom- and this attributes meant for the order to be scrapped in favour of obeisance to "government policy".  It is also a calculated move, that along with the passage of the anti-terrorism act and other recent actions brought by state elements, it will be naïve for the folk to believe that Malacañang only supported Lorenzana's actions but the fact that Duterte agreed to the decision of the Defence Secretary includes an imprimatur to justify such moves.

But "defending the community against lawless elements?" actually, using the University as an example shows that if the regime afforded to shut down ABS CBN, or threatened Rappler and Inquirer, so is the capability to interfere UP and other higher learning institutions. After all, his patience with opposition, though valid, is most of the time slim if not lacking or even nothing.
And to think that this is done in the middle of the pandemic wherein the university community also called for transparency if not criticising government's action in controlling this pandemic-driven situation, then no wonder the authorities had that thought of tearing the agreements and strike fear to the community itself, not just the professors nor the students. For sure they have wanted to attack just because prior to this tearing there were major rallies situated in the site with strong, loud, calls ever resonating against the tyrant in Malacañang! Thus, unsurprising. 


Seriously, the UP-DND agreement and other earlier pacts were signed to protect campuses and students from intervention from state elements and to safeguard the students academic freedom, progressive instruction, and creative scholarship. This termination, no matter how it uses "protecting the youth" or "defending the community", not only contradicts the very essence of the agreement, but outright ridiculous especially in a time people having public distrust on Duterte and his administration- and that includes police and the military.
Also to think that the University of the Philippines has become one of the last few remaining spaces in expressing dissent, the scrapping of the agreement, along with the passage of the anti-terror bill, and the massive red taggings and slander is a shameless attack against democracy. That with the use of state elements would say that the order is not just threatening with words- but also with actions that endangers freedom, safety, and lives of those who stood and criticise against the regime and demand a radical alternative to this ever-rotting order. 

Ironically, this scrapping coincides with the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Diliman Commune, an uprising of students, faculty, workers, and residents within UP Diliman against the price hikes and the invasion of state forces within the university. This also coincides with the celebration of the "Second Edsa Revolution", a series of protests that includes those from UP, that overthrew Joseph Estrada from the presidency. For sure these experiences that UP actively involved is the one of the fears Duterte and his camarilla may have think upon.


Admittingly speaking, this writer who wrote this note doesn't come from that university one would say as a "Parnassus of knowledge". But he bid kudos to the community and its supporters for their defence of academic freedom amidst the risks of today’s time. It is not surprising for as the university promotes critical thinking and creativity, and on some cases, going beyond parameters to promote a greater cause, then this writer is ought to say that the ever- rotting order felt fear as the UP community itself has continuously seeking truth from facts that refutes the order’s narrative. 

And if UP created rebels as what the order thinks of, then yes- they are rebels imbued with honour and excellence that’s willing to serve the people even at the expense of their comforts, and regardless of both existing and upcoming risks. From this would say that the people applaud of their efforts and contributions, of their sacrifices; while the order detests them pretending they're pitying. 

For now, as the authorities talking about scrapping agreements on the basis of “national security”, then expect resistance not just from the UP community itself, but also others may also affect from what the order has shown upon. Not surprising if the order may have thought of having a “night of the long truncheons” to happen in and around the campus all for the sake of that goddamed “national security," out of fear that another Diliman Commune would happen, much more of a new First Quarter Storm.

But the community will never yield.