Sunday, 29 December 2024

"Pledge of Loyalty"

"Pledge of Loyalty" 

by Francisco "Dodong" Nemenzo 

Used in  2003

 I solemnly pledge as graduate of the University of the Philippines that where I go and whatever I do I will always bring honor to my Alma Mater. 

I will live to her values and ideals. 

I will try to excel in whatever profession I pursue.

 I will treasure the things that elevate the mind and strengthen the character.

 I will remain a student for life, so I pace with the developments of knowledge and never become a deadwood. 

I will retain the habit of critical thinking, so I will never be a blind follower of anyone. 

I will promote gender equality and help destroy patriarchy. 

I will always stand on the side of freedom against tyranny and the side of justice against oppression.

 I will oppose war as an instrument of national policy, even if the reward of endorsing the coalition of the willing is to create overseas jobs for those who cannot employ at home. 

I will contribute to the elimination of poverty but never use the poor as tools for a partisan cause.

 I will protect the environment and preserve it for future generations. 

I will never soil my hand with graft and corruption.

 I will defend the sovereignty of our nation and not be fooled by the promise of globalization. 

I hereby renew my commitment to serve the people.